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  • My favorite would have to be... *checks calendar* National Singles Week and National Child Labor Day.
    A better one, yes, but I have them all already written down and I can't remember where I found them.
    "This literally has become my new way to waste time. My agenda's filled with these holidays. It's kind of pathetic to be honest."

    I know that feeling. I am the same way.
    This always seems to happen OTL

    Oh man, definitely. I was so sad that they removed it in BW D: I loved talking to my Pokemon, too, especially when it yielded... interesting results. But even without the overworld following thingy, Pokemon just have a way of worming into your party and never backing out. Or maybe we just get attached to pixels too easily. And a lot of Pokemon have odd types - I keep thinking Bisharp is part fighting, for example.

    I love most fossils, but the gen 4 fossils are kinda ehh. Rampardos is alright, though. My favourite's gotta be Cradily - I haven't used it in-game since it's been ages since I've played gen 3, but I got attached to it after I started using it in ASB. Then I started using it competitively, and it's so fun to use in Sandstorm teams.

    How Volcarona's fared, you mean? Or competitive battling in general? I actually play UU so I can't use Volcarona; I just trained one up because it's my favourite Pokemon. :P As for competitive in general, I've kinda stopped playing since I never had time to build new teams and playing against other /real people/ made me nervous... ahaha... It's pretty sad OTL

    I don't think I actually bred too much in DPPt, but my go-to hatcher in SS is Magmar since iirc that's the first hatcher you can catch? Anyway, I thought Carracosta would be better after I got Shell Smash, but for some reason it still failed to get those crucial KOs sometimes and kept getting KO'd. Munna was a bit of a struggle with early to mid-game since I kept it unevolved until it learned Psychic, but then after that it was a steady team member.

    I just ate lunch and you're making me hungry again D: We rarely have bacon though, which is a real shame.

    Yeah, I just don't see bipedal fighting pigs as a thing, you know? Also why did they have to make it fire-fighting again ): I wish they'd make the other two dual-types too, like they did in 4th gen.

    I just think it looks like a sad snowman or something, but eh, each to their own. Dewott is ehhh - I don't really like it, but I can stand it, I suppose. But around 36 levels of Oshawott and Dewott doesn't really appeal to me...

    Oh, yeah, I think I went through the game with grass-normal coverage, haha. It wasn't very nice. Higher attack would've been nice, actually, since it got Coil, but yeah. Serperior got a really unfortunate stat distribution.

    :D Could you link me to that artist, by any chance?

    Objectively it's quite a long time (I've spent almost a fifth of my life here!) but it doesn't really feel like that long, you know? I only really notice friends that vanish, but once in a while I'm profile-surfing and I notice hey, that person hasn't been around in ages. It kinda makes me sad when people just vanish without saying anything, really D:
    I always have variety, but I don't mind so much if types overlap. Aha, I can relate to getting attached to temporary Pokemon... Like Altaria, for example - I kinda threw it on my team, planned to ditch it later, but somehow it became one of my favourites.

    I love ground types too :D Or well rock, or steel...? I dunno, I just have a preference for those huge hulking super-slow but super-powerful Pokemon like Aggron, Rhyperior, what have you.

    Yeah, it did. OTL Well one was my in-game Volcarona, one is competitively trained and thus at level 100, and one was caught in the Relic Tower. Haha, the image of a flying Magcargo and Camerupt amuses :D Carracosta was a bit underwhelming, tbh; it turned into an HM slave by endgame. Musharna was nice though.

    Tepig is like /self-cooking bacon/ it's amazing. Well only for that; not too fond of the designs and it's fairly slow. I like Samurott but I really dislike Oshawott's design so ehh D: I dunno. And Serperior's attacking stats are too low for it to bash things, and its HP too low to tank things... it's a real shame.

    Ahaha yes :D Pathos got the fat derpy one. I just love drawing fat derpy birds; there's something about that blank expression and gaping beak. But even without a gaping beak, Quagsire is hilarious.

    I've been here three and a half years. Man, feels like a lot less o.o ... you're almost twice as old as I am. Do you feel old?
    I prefer keeping my team balanced, too, but I had to have those bugs D: At any rate, Volcarona and Galvantula used fire and electric attacks more, so. It was good. I have several Volcarona so I use one of them to hatch eggs (since they're the only Pokemon with Flame Body + Fly - so convenient!). I'm... not sure what I'll use as a starter in BW2 since the usual three don't really appeal to me... Serperior is awesome design-wise but it's quite lacking in terms of battling. And my Unova team was Volcarona, Musharna, Serperior, Galvantula, Scolipede, and Carracosta.

    Houndoom's pretty cool, too. Fire's my favourite type, actually, with Ice and Bug tied for second.

    Which Swellow, the realistic-ish one or the fat derpy one? Personally I like the latter more :D And... wow, that's a long time. I don't think I was even on TCoD then.
    ! :DD Yay, someone else who loves bug types! Unova was amazing, yeah. In fact half my in-game team was bugs, and at one point I was considering booting Serperior for Leavanny (but I was too attached to my starter so).

    Yup, definitely. Typhlosion used to be my favourite for the longest time but it got replaced.

    Yup :D Pathos got Swellow. Actually, he offered to avatar-swap because I was looking for a Volcarona avatar and he happened to have one. And yeah, I don't think I've ever seen you with another avatar... if you changed it now idk if I'd recognize you easily!
    :D Yay, someone else who loves Volcarona~

    I actually got this avatar from Pathos. We did an avatar swap ages ago but he's since changed his. So yeah, you'd be better off asking him where he got it.
    It'd be "unison" but there isn't much fun you can have with unisons in the music world (unless you want diminished unison which does not exist) so :p
    They didn't actually update any sprites for B/W 2; the only new ones are the new forms.
    Hmm, that's kind of a tough thing to recommend; the main series titles are all much harder than Conquest, not to mention much different D:

    A start would be the US Genesis of one of the earlier titles in the series. I wanna say that one was the second one... but it was pretty decent, from what i remember
    i think so, i recall some silliness of that sort going on back then haha. a lot of members didn't like these boards for whatever reason, lol
    i knowwww, MH was my first forum :D i still remember the old homepage, and i made quite a few great friends there haha. also the theeeemes, i loved the Vaporeon theme that mewkitty made <3
    This is true. It just got to the point where I got fed up with the fanbase and refuse to actively post in communities dedicated to the series. places like this where i'll meet people who like it occasionally are good enough haha

    and yeah, it actually was Mew's Hangout x:
    ohh, haha, i actually knew about this place because i used to be part of a forum that used to be just as big. it kinda died and disappeared off the face of the earth several years ago haha. i mostly joined here because i was just kinda looking for a place to be at least semi-active in, and i've even made one or two good friends here since then o:

    and yeah, that's actually putting it /very/ lightly for the Megaman fanbase. it truly is one of the worst and most divided fanbases ever to exist.

    RE: Revelations certainly did try to return to its roots, but that's all that was there. all effort and no results. it seemed like it'd be a fun game from the demo, but it just didn't impress me at all. it was neither bad nor good :<

    and no, Ono's stepped down temporarily to let his health recuperate
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