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  • ah, i never really thought i was that active here haha. i mean i'll come on and lurk every day or so, but i don't typically post /that/ often unless there's a thread that really happens to catch my interest, lol.

    and Capcom's mostly been having a hard time because of how badly they've been handling everything regarding the Megaman series; canceling a game that was actually highly anticipated, giving several jabs to the fans in UMvC3, and then the 'Bad Box Art Megaman' in Street Fighter x Tekken was an incredibly badly timed joke. On top of that, SFxT was also a huge letdown, and I felt Resident Evil: Revelations really disappointed. Plus, the producer of their fighting games, Ono was even hospitalized, and he's had to temporarily step down as producer of the Street Fighter games from working so much :V
    ohh, yeah i'm always looking for new things that cater to my niche, so
    i always try to tune into places that detail specific series like Abyssal Chronicles, The Mega Man Network and the like

    Capcom's a bit different, i mostly know what's going on with them because their games have been such a large part of my life, so it's almost second nature for me to follow what's going on with them haha

    it's a good idea to have a wide array of sources, especially if you've got a wide array of tastes for games haha
    >.> nothing better to do, really

    well, no not really lol. but i always somehow manage to make time for a lot of this stuff in between school and work u.u; it makes me seem like i have no life haha
    eh, pretty much the only things here people *actually* care about are variations on DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE and DON'T POST IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY
    Well, me and a few other mods have been paying a bit more attention to WE ARE ALL TRYING TO HAVE A GOOD TIME HERE in some regards.

    But \o_O/ I don't actually know what is and is not against the rules in a lot of regards, haha.
    no one knows what happens in PMs :) unless someone hits the report button

    Pretty sure official policy is 'don't link to stuff like that much'.
    Your welcome!

    I'll probably update it daily, because it's better if two people do it in case someone misses something.
    Oh, certainly. :-) Honestly, it was just a general "Espeon is watching you" post, haha. I think multiple people will have distaste for Cosmo advertising here!

    Honestly, I'd like your question answered, too. :/ I think it's really just a case of people being bored on the internet. Having nosed around some of the threads since the content became viewable, I've seen things like "let's start a raid!" being posted about.
    Hee, thank you! I had an absolutely amazing day :D
    Aww, well, it's no rush on the birthday picture, but I would very much like to see it. And then print it, because there's still a little space on my wall at uni this year... :)
    Correction: most people.

    I forgot of some who might've been amputated or mutated :x I'm sorry for that oversight.
    Joyous day you were expelled from your mother's uterus! Or Happy Birthday, whatever you prefer.
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