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  • Dude, I'm totally going to name something Ramen now :D

    Beans are cool.

    Eugh pokerman music.

    Also Bill is in training.
    I'm going to say ramen because ramen.

    Use it, it'd make me happy :D

    St. Christopher's my favorite because I like being called, at most, two things. St. Christopher's a cool name and combines my real name and my love for Green Day, so.

    Derp derp derp derp derp.

    Ugh Chowder.
    Spoon's pretty interesting! I also call you Spooncelot because of the avatar.

    Wooper is derpfish :D

    Also Syrup is best name.
    Everyone at school knows me as Narwhalman or similar aliases, so.

    I usually just improvise. :D Right now it's quilava (Ej), bellsprout (Akita, named after a good friend/music!husband), and wooper (Bill).
    YES. Daikenki is badass narwhalhorse.


    I restarted again earlier today, mainly because the game was going ugh since I already had five team members. xD
    Haha, a firebearechidna, a flowerdino, and an alligator.... tough choice. xD

    Yah, I recently restarted SoulSilver and lost about 50 of my pokemon... including my feraligatr. But cyndaquil was the first starter I chose on Crystal, my first game. <333
    Dayum, that's big o:

    I look forward to it! Even though I don't really care for feraligatr anymore haha.
    Whoa, I forgot about this! o:

    Haha, a feraligatr's fine. It's one of my favourites. C:

    Take as long as you, I'd do the same.
    Hey Spoon, are you going to submit a persona for the OS? Arylett says that we can't further the Awards night until everyone has some kind of reference submitted, so I'm off asking/reminding people.
    Well, Kratos dropped by the OS and said she could grant italicpower to whoever's going to be threadminned, so that seems like the best way to do it.
    Hey. It's been a while since the OS revived again, and nobody seems to have shown any interest in threadmin other than me. Should I go and ask Kratos for threadmin status? I'm worried that It'd seem rude if I did or that I've not waited for interest to rise. What do you think?
    Nah, I never really poof off the internet... but probably the place where I'm most apt to be about is facebook (or maybe twitter), and I feel like many people on here have a vendetta against such social networking-y things, so. :P

    Yeah, the school I go to is... a little intense, work-wise, but I don't really have an excuse for not coming on here, because I always find time to procrastinate and fart around on the internet. I'm not really sure, I guess my schedule is different when I'm at school, so I end up doing different things, and the things I regularly do at home stop happening... for some reason. I really can't explain it.

    Sweet! I love nerdy summer camps! I used to go to a math and science summer camp every year (actually, it's the summer program of the school I go to now), and that was a pretty rockin' time. I... need to practice for my driver's license test. My permit expires in January, so I really would like to try and get my license sometime in the fall. But I really kind of hate driving. >< I'm kind of jealous of you, too, for getting to go to the Harry Potter theme park. I have a friend that's there right now, actually!

    I haven't really done very much this summer. Well, I suppose I went to England at the beginning of the summer with my family and visited Danni, which was super awesome, but it seems like such a long time ago now... besides that, I've gone on one college trip to see some schools I won't get into, and have generally lazed around not doing the summer work I'm supposed to do. I have to read East of Eden and study physics and draw a bunch of pictures in preparation for an art independent study... very little of that has actually been accomplished. And school starts in two and a half weeks. I'm so screwed.

    I haven't talked to you in a long time. (Not like I used to talk to you *every day* or something, but.) I remember how I always thought it was cool how we had the same birthday. Sadly, my long bouts of not-going-on-TCoD always seem to happen in the winter, when I am insanely busy with school. What's up with that, man.

    Yeah. How have you been?
    I think most of the artwork forum started to rot without the OS around. I'm thinking about making a new one for myself, since I've been doing quite a bit. Befoer I do though, I'll prolly comment on the current art threads that need life again.#

    Fair. I just thought that It'd be easier to talk to you about OS matters and such.
    Hey Spoony. Thanks for making the new OS thread. Just at the right time, too. I've been doing a little art revival of my own, so I'll be plenty active, that you can be sure of.

    Do you have MSN or some other IM service?
    hahaha, those stupid mandala.

    oh my god yes, i hate it when something doesn't stand up. ]: then i have to make it lean backwards on its tail and urgh

    i do the occasional drawing, but only if i can be bothered.
    arce- *shot*

    nah. if you can't do that, try... a feraligatr.

    or this, if you're up to it.
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