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  • Ehe, getting unexpected messages is nice, I have to agree. X3 Yup, I've had a good holiday (nothing like a good break from school |D); I just celebrated New Year with my family and stuff, but it was sort of fun. Bowling sounds better, though. Glad to hear you're feeling fine~ Oh, and I hope you find that item... whatever it is. I know nothing about this Okami you speak of. XD;
    Hiya Spoon! :D Just thought I'd drop by and wish you a Happy New Year and stuff~ A couple of days late, yes, but still. |D How've you been? Do anything interesting for New Year's?
    Happy 2009~
    Aaaah, late reply, sorry >.<

    It was initially very stange to be back home, especially since I don't have to do my own food shopping, cooking or washing here, which is beyond awesome, and while my new room is quite small, it's nice enough. I already have three bookshelves filled and I need more X3

    Buying presents is the most fun thing ever; I got my dad some wine (I always get him wine, but he's stupidly hard to buy for), my mum a book and some scarves, my sister a CD and this cuddly polar bear with heat-absorbant beads that you can warm up in the microwave and use as a hot-water bottle-thing... oh, I don't know. And smaller things for friends and stuff.

    Is a white elephant gift exchange like a Secret Santa, where you buy a present for someone and they don't know it and things? I love doing those :D

    How far away does your grandmother live? It was just us four at home for Christmas (I don't have any grandparents), but it was lovely. My sister's going away for the new year, but hopefully I'll be having some friends from my old school over. How about you?
    Excellent thus far; I only got home on the 19th, but its been so much fun~ Ive missed my family so much (I havent seen them in over three months), so its been great to catch up with them. And its nice to be back in my room with all my stuff and, of course, going out and buying people presents and things~ God, I love Christmas X)

    Hows your break been thus far? Are you doing much for Christmas?

    (apologies: this computer has a broken apostraphe key)
    Thank you :3 I never expected that the makers of ToS would draw a refence sheet for their fans, but it's wondrous notheless~

    Oh, uh, it's nothing x3
    Oh, absolutely; the makes of ToS are absolutely fantastic in that they do detailed character sheets like this one, which is the world's most perfect refrence~

    What's with your usertitle? ):
    Aww, thanks! :D Hehe, it depends which kind of soda and fruit juice, I suppose.

    It's really nice of you to leave a message. It was an awesome day. Thanks.
    (That would be cool. With sprigs of holly pinned on clothes and some form of Christmas biscuits for afterwards. :D)
    Aw. :(
    Uh, I'm trying to dress us up as characters from The Nightmare Before Christmas, even though it's looking more Halloweeny right now. We'll have to pretend they're standing in Christmastown or something. Oh! But... you're Spoon. The spoon. You were always a spoon! ... Except for when you were a spoon-fork.

    And we could all have an ART EXPLOSION. :D Although ahh that's true about the comments. I'm terrible at coming up with anything coherent in an art thread comment.
    As soon as I've actually scanned some of my doodles this semester. Which I don't know when will be, I'm afraid.
    I'm using Linoone's Halloween picture for a ref, since I'm putting everyone in a costume anyway. Only thing is that it's a squash getting everyone on the page... I thank you sincerely for being a spoon and thus not taking up as much space. :D
    It's a cool club, though~ Everyone in it's really nice and helpful, like you said. They're all, like, the people I'd like to talk to but I just don't get around to it, so the club's nifty like that too. X3;

    Well, I wish you luck with it~ An yeah, that'll be cool. I bet there'll be a flood of updates to everyone's threads around the christmas holidays. :D
    ...That is so weird. I just saw you on the list of online members and was about to leave you a visitor message, but I got distracted. O_o

    I'm good. :D Trying to work on a group picture for the OS club~ But argh there are so many members now. What about you?

    Eee, it should be fun. If I can come up with some more ideas, that is. I have two. X3; Are you going for it?
    x3 Thanks for the praise! It helps to have an ego to float on. |DDD;

    Plusle and Minun are amazing Pokemon; I fell in love with them the first time I saw them (not even kidding) but they are always slandered by being called "pikaclones" and the like. I do say.
    I think it shall! We're all just doing megawesomenocity right now~! I think things will be just fine in two years, to be quite honest. This feels like it's going to last.

    Three H's! X3 I don't even know how I came up with that.

    Awww~ Well, you'll think of something Foons, I am sure of it! (And ;;Is still amused by the fact that you are an actual spoon in OS Group Pictures;;)
    We will! We're going to be friends for a VERY long time. A special promise! And the poem is so sweet~ It was odd, but her and my mom talk business a lot. Like about the trip, cost, etc. And me... well, I don't talk much about that... since I'm flitty Arylett. X3 Not good with organizing or money management.

    The weather here is just... predictable but bad. Hot, humid, hurricanes. The three h's of this place.

    So you should have Grovyle on the cover obviously. X3 And umm... well, whatever events happen in his backstory? Maybe you should draw a scene from it and put it as the cover.
    It's someone else, actually~ It is enjoyable! I had to keep hiding online friends from my parents, so yeah. Enjoyable! Well, it's a LOT of money. Lots loads. But we're going to try to maintain our friendship for as long as we can. We made a promise, uh-huh~ And she wrote me this poem, it was SO cute. But my mom LOVES her. They talked, like we had a voice chat, and they TALKED and they planned the trip. It was weird. But awesomenocity.

    It is a sunny place. Though HOT. REALLY HOT. And generally suckish. Just not a nice place, really. No snow in Christmas. And seasons don't really exist. Just... hot all year 'round.

    What exactly is the story? I could think up a good cover~
    And so am I! Ahahaha, I've never smiled so much in my life. Overly joyous Arylett is also overly joyous~ My mom found out about my best friend who I have on the internet and she LOVES her. And I just can't stop smiling, because she's awesomenocity and my mom's awesomenocity and we're going to be PEN PALS! And it's just all awesomenocity. And then in two years, I'm taking a trip to England to see her. And she's coming over here next. I'm just haaaappy~

    Beaches? I guess~ The food places are... normal food places? And sunsets are like any other place.

    Hmm... it was going to be about Grovyle, wasn't it? Maybe the Treecko embryo? ;;Liked that picture;;
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