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Squornshellous Beta

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  • You might want to post in your battle against RK-9 soon. I've got the next reffing done and, well, it's going to be genial.
    Squorn if I'm not here for a few days it isn't because I'm dead

    it'll be because I tried to jailbreak my iPod and release it from Apple's restrictions and I just failed miserably


    I didn't say it was meaningless, I said it might as well be.
    See, you need to go outside (into the fresh air omg!) and get some fucking perspective.
    That's why I don't give a shit when someone gets called names.
    It's why I don't give a shit when someone gets depressed from 'bullying'.
    It's because, in the end, your problem is 'boohoo the other kids are mean to me! Q_Q'
    It's because, at the end of the day, it's the worst thing that's happened to you.
    Being called names, that is. 'Oh no, someone made fun of me! This is the worst day of my life! Q_Q'

    See, I'm an out tranny.
    An out trans-chick living in a poverty-stricken, working-class, seedy, violent shit-hole of a neighbourhood.
    What this means is that, sometimes, I wear a dress.
    Not always, not even close to often, but occasionally I go out in women's clothes. It's to prove that I really want to transition or some bullshit.
    Either way, I have a 'reputation'. A reputation as transsexual. This has earned me violence, attempted rape and, oh gosh, insults.

    See now, one of these things is not like the other. Insults? Fuck 'em. I don't give a shit what someone says, unless it's a threat.

    Now see, this isn't an accident. You're probably thinking 'oh lucky you, not caring what people think. some people have feelings and you are juWACKITY SCHMACKITY DOOO' or something. You're probably pissed because you think that me not getting offended is something unique to me, you probably think I'm being a dick for thinking that everybody should live up to these standards that mine only come about by chance.

    You'd be wrong of course, and this is why I say you need to get some perspective.
    I'm not 'immune' to insults because it's just me. I don't give a shit because so many worse things have happened that, in comparison, being called a fag is actually funny.
    When you've been raped, when you've been stabbed, when you have to carry around a weapon just in case, that'll be the time you'll laugh at the fact that you ever cared about an insult, you'll cringe when you remember being afraid of a teacher, you'll shake your head in shame when you remember crying because all those kids were being horrible.

    And that's why I think bullying is ridiculous. At best, it's pretty much irrelevant compared to the worse stuff that happens, and at worst it's insulting to think that, not only do people act as though being laughed at is just as bad as physical violence that ends with broken bones, it's worthy of more attention, of an entire day to itself.
    Fuck man, there are so many anti-bullying charities, and yet so few actually give a shit about the working-class.

    I think this post is long enough, but just to reiterate: You need to pull your head out of your arse and take a look around. You need to get over yourself because boohooing over the meanness of kids is embarrassing, insulting and disrespectful.
    No, not really (and I've seen you mention it here and there before anyway, so I already knew you intended to do something like that). I was planning on redoing it in JavaScript myself, but I've been lazy and putting it off. Eventually I'm probably going to change the scale it uses, but if you really want to make your own version for the time being then sure, go ahead.
    hey jell--



    um where are your grr posts from awhile ago

    because I don't know why but I wasted the last half hour trying to find them

    First Omski tells me he hates tomatoes and bananas more than even other fruits, and now you're telling me the thought of sugar-coated jelly is unappetizing.

    ...let's just stop discussing food :P
    It's a jelly of varying hardness, coated in sugar, flavored with various things, and sometimes with nuts added.

    Really good :D
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