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  • Oh what I didn't reply oops.

    That is confidential, sir (no really, I'm kind of awkward about that. With my maturity level, though, you should be able to figure it out quite easily).
    We only have five clarinets this year. In fact, our band is pretty small and terrible, especially the lower grades. Sometimes I just really, really want to strangle them.
    Yep. I play the E-Flat Alto Saxophone. in both my Concert and Jazz Bands. :3
    Don't mention that username ever. ;; Brings back the memories of the noob-ish days.

    But no, I'm pretty sure it was Glace1997.
    Haha yeah, the only time I've really been on one was for two minutes trying to get on Global Link. Turns out I've completely forgotten my username and/or password, so no more dream World for me!
    Haha, whaat? I haven't been on one of my Pokemon games for a couple months; it was probably some other person.

    But how are you doing? o:
    *Instantly pulls you into Fish Jumpers, where we are obssessed with Kiwis*
    *places a baby kiwi on your profile*
    Um, could you rescue me? It's the 68th floor of Buried Relic, but I will give you something worth your while. And I'm asking, also, because I recruited a Gulpin (just got Poison Swamp) and a Gastly (fyi, this is not my first playthrough of PMD)
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