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    Uhm, you're forgetting about the C&C thread I made about him.

    That would get me banned for sure.
    Happy birthday!
    I would buy you a birthday present on ASB, but... I'm not sure if there's anything in the 3$ range you want, so. Umm.
    I know, it was Squorn. (I asked her personally, after all.)

    No, I haven't. I found my iPod (which could access the Internet, and I could hideee), but my sister RE-lost it :| I can't work up the courage to be like "dad, I know why you're upset at me. But these people are some of my best friends, and I really wish I could talk to them. Is there any way I could talk to them again?"

    Well, at least you got into the tournament. I can't even participate (I guess I wasn't let back in when I tried to re-sign up.)
    You're welcome! :3

    Does Cloudy come today, or tomorrow? It would make more sense if it was tomorrow, given that tomorrow's Saturday...

    What do ou do? WHAT DO YOU DO? *resorts back to TCoD quizzes*

    Well, it depends. Do you actually want to be in a relationship with her, or are you admiring her from afar?

    Sure, we'll have the b-day partys for all of the Ninetales/Shadow Regice/Celebi zodiak-ers in one thread.
    /skips all other conversation to help

    Well, don't you think it really depends on if she likes you or not? If she doesn't, she may confront you and gently (or not, idk) turn you down, but it's more likely if she has a crush on you that she won't confront you. And besides, she may find out sooner or later you have a crush on her, believe me everything gets found out in my school so it may be the same there, so maybe it would be for the best if she finds out by sources telling her?

    ...okay I am absolutely no help at all am I
    But it just sounded evil T^T /makes everyone evil so don't feel bad

    My school's band concert is today :o Although I'm not going.
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