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  • ...? Where?

    Anyways, in your reffing of Legendaryseeker99 vs. Scraggy, you portrayed Kratos Aurion as male. Kratos Aurion is, in fact, female.
    Hmm... Ways to earn my own money:

    -Business Too much work
    -Battle Battle cap about to be hit

    See? I'd have to resort to *gasp* option four!

    Do you have any battles in need of a ref, then?
    Just this one and one other, actually. I was in the other first, then wandered over here during a dry spell via a link of Dragonfree's (that's who they were over there, so that's who I know them as). It's relatively tiny, but fun. The reffing system is way different, though.
    They probably will, but I don't plan to do anything with them for quite some time.
    Pero pero.. I think that's the thing you need to do. I think. I mean if there's any tension when you two interact, do it. Then again, I don't know her personality. Yet knowing it apparently doesn't work either *grumble*

    Personally, it just depends on how your social life is and how people react to that sort of thing. Last year I told my crush I liked her, and she said she "liked me back" (which I knew she didn't, but she probably said it to not shut me down). After it, I felt much less pressure. And we were able to act completely normal for the rest of the uear around each other. Now she dates someone else, and they've been going out for a while now.. *grumble* Not that I was actually looking for a relationship or anything.

    All in all, I would tell her face-to-face. But I don't live your life. If you feel that it would be better that she found out through chat and gossip, attempt to not have her find out. Really, only you can make the final decision. I'm not sure how that girl would reqct to either situation. It's your call. Just don't feel pressured. It's like a test. If you really like her, then you won't mind telling anyone else. Then again, that's my opinion, and look where it got me.. *grumble*

    Tell me what you have to say, and then you shall help me with my problems mwahaha.
    Hey, uh, I'm glad you think the Kaminko arenas are amusing, and I realize I've been making the ones I've already created available for other people to use, but next time do you think you could check with me anyway before coming up with an arena based on that concept? I don't really have much reason to say no, but I'd appreciate the thought.

    Ah. Do you have to buy it or just download it from a site?

    Oh, and nice battle. That was the closest match EVAR. (Okay, it wasn't.)
    I'll send you my advice in a PM.

    That was quite non-sequitur. Yes, If I could. But If you have a reffing prepared, I'll let you post it first.
    I read your profile because I had nothing to do and saw you referred Dokon as being female in the description, while your ASB profile tells me it is male.

    See, it doesn't look so obvious to me, no matter what I tried to do to make it more so.

    So wait, you know Mewtini then? Presumably reasonably well? I'd just assumed you'd seen it in her sig as well and made the connection from there.
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