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  • Well, yeah. I guess that would work. What would be my lead then? Could I run Dusclops or Ninjask or what? I could run Frosslass as a trick lead, but what if it turns out to be too frail and I really need it later? Gah, estoy confundido.

    I had actually considered basing the whole team off Dusclops before. Run him as lead, have my two ghost counters, and have Hitmontop/a different spinner to clear hazards. But then I have two slots to fill. Maybe have a cleric, and a mixed sweeper? that would work. But then my question would be Umbreon, Chimecho, or another form of cleric? My sweeper would almost definitely be Infernape.

    Oh!Oh! or have it be a double battle team. Dusclops and Blissey leads, and then I wouldn't need a ghost counter, because I could teach him Nightshade and Blissey Seismic Toss. Have a spare cleric, Hitmontop, and a physical and special sweeper in the reserves. What about this?
    Well I considered that, but there's the possibility that their Gengar doesn't know T-bolt or Thunder, and they go for the switch, in which case Pursuit would be better.
    Precisely. He only has 40 base Hp, so it's not hard to find a pokemon with more to give. What's really funny is when you use it on Blissey.

    I'm going to make a team based around my Dusclops wall in Gen V. I have four pokemon I definately want to use, but the last two are iffy on me. I already know I want Hitmontop, Dusclops, Ninjask, and Bibarel.

    I need a pokemon to counter Gengar/ other ghost-types. I'm thinking Destiny Bond Frosslass, but I also think it would be neat to run an insomnia counter to hypnosis, but that limits my choices more, pretty much down to Honchkrow and Hypno.

    For the last one, I'm not sure what I want at all. I think it would be neat to actually run a fifth gen pokemon, but I'm not familiar with like any of them, and it really seems to me that a bunch of those pokemon are geared towards Trick Room teams, which I don't want to formulate just yet. I'm still looking for an actual lead. I'm running Hitmontop as kind of a pseudo-lead right now, and I like it, but if they set Stealth Rock and then he goes down before I can spin, I simply can't use my Ninjask/Bibarel to its fullest.
    Well, since Dusclops has abysmal hit points anyhow, if Trick Room is still up, you can just pain split and get most of your Hp back rather quickly.
    deal with it, unless it's poisoned.

    Trick Room makes being paralyzed laughable, seriously. Burning is really no threat, and sleep is just obnoxious. (and besides, most pokemon can't deal enough damage to KO in him in a timely manner anyhow. iirc, he only takes about 24% Hp from a Scizor's Bullet Punch with a Life Orb. I've counter-walled Blissey with this this thing and like 6-7HKO it after a burn, so.
    You ready for this? Best Gen 5 wall ever.

    Dusclops @Eviolite
    Impish, Evs: 252 Hp, 124 Defense 128 Sp. Defense w/ Pressure
    Trick Room
    Pain Split
    Seismic Toss

    I made something close on Shoddy, and I have literally swept whole teams with it. It is so nasty that's I'm not even inclined to laugh. His Defense stat tops at around 540, and Sp. Defense at around 490. So good. So good.
    Nope. I just feed them Rare Candies and steroids. Haven't tried that in ASB, yet, though. Can't find steroids anywhere...
    Actually, I wouldn't want it anyway. I prefer to use my own Magikarp raising methods...

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