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  • *runs around with banner reading "MY FIREFOX WORKS"*

    I actually didn't do anything; it resolved itself, haha.
    Why are you not in school? :o

    *rages* My computer's Firefox browser chooses not to connect to our Internet today >:c (and I used Command Prompt to ping our IP adress; it's perfectly fine.)

    So excuse me in advance if I suddenly start raging about how useless my computer is.

    I stole borrowed my dad's laptop.

    hospital shows are the grandest thing on Earth :D

    I'm an odd person.

    Especially since I actively dislike Hannah Montana, while the other 10 year old girls are like "OH MY GOSH YOU DON'T LIKE MILEY CYRUS D:< GET AWAY YOU USELESS KID"

    I like my health shows, thank you very much.
    It's a health show about people who get this life-threatening disease and doctors keep thinking it's something normal, while it tears said person's life apart. Then the person finds a doctor who finds out what they have, at the end of each episode.

    Googling it might help a little.

    ...YOU MAKE ME ENVIOUS now I want to download Chrome, even though I only just got Firefox 4 this morning ; ;


    I didn't knowww

    *watches FiM alongside Mystery Diagnosis =3*
    I'm deleting your VM; my notifications are stuck.

    to put it simply, I'm fixing a bug.
    oh my

    I don't get notified of messages :c

    I haven't ever used Chrome! :o

    It is! I feel the same way :D

    But Chrome doesn't have Personas, I think. FIREFOX IS BETTER NOW >D
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