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  • Maybe find another Swellow? :c I don't think he would, but no more swellow...
    Superbird I just wanted to thank you for being such a great and reliable ref in my battle against Squirtles. I'm pretty sure my last commands finished the battle, but anyways, great game. I hope you had as much fun reffing it as I had reading it.
    yeah i guess.

    And if I took Steelix, I'd have to teach my infernape Hidden Power (grass), and I'd probably run Thunder Fang on Steelix, so that would be productive.
    Nobody said it was your choice, I just figured... But, I also considered the fact that you were forced into it.

    And sight reading isn't bad, it's just not the most fun in the world. Just practice it, and it will come more naturally. Just like the Circle of Fifths. Or really anything musical.

    On a side note- Do you think Steelix or Torterra would make a better wall/tank? I'm having difficulties on deciding.
    ah. Well, I can understand that. Why did you choose to play piano? I mean, if it's not where your passion is, why even try? Right now I play Bari Sax, but I'd like to learn various other bass like instruments, like the Bass Clarinet and frankly, Bass. I like being the guy that plays the lower sounds, because they're more tolerable, in my opinion. That's where my passion is, musically.
    lolwut I don't turn sixteen until November. Ironically enough my birthday is on the sixteenth.

    And I guess what it was is that I respect you more than I tend to with people who are younger than me (because they tend to be annoying and not all that interesting), but I pretty much see us as equals. I'm considerably realistic about things, and if someone has done nothing to deserve my respect (or is not in a position that would warrant it, but this doesn't mean they'll keep it), they pretty much don't get it. You're refreshingly clever and funny, so that's how you earned my proverbial thumbs-up. Like, you wrote a whole novel (something I've tried, but never stuck to, twice now, I think, perhaps thirce), and you're incredibly analytical (something I wish I was sometimes), and you play both clarinet and jazz piano, so you're certainly impressive.

    By the way- how are you at improv? I have my moments, but I get incredibly nervous and end up failing somewhat horribly quite often. I think it's that I just need to learn music theory (and practice), but with my schedule, I don't really have the time. I also need to listen to the rhythm section, but that's a separate issue.

    Tomorrow'll be the first day of having stable computer access :D

    I'll explain tomorrow.

    ...I'm actually about to get kicked off.

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