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  • :o Yep! *sits and waits for bird history~*

    I never said any such thing. I said EST.
    Hm. Fair enough.

    Nah, not hypocritical. Just haven't had the opportunity to start up a conversation.
    Thanks for reffing those two battles, they were fun... especially since I won both... though Hadro shouldn't really count. But now my whole team evolved so I good, bought some new Pokes with my money, looking forward to our match, hope a ref takes it soon.
    Despite being one of your "friends" I've never actually talked to you...
    Hey there! I heard you like birds.
    Superbird, the battle thread your reffing (I liek squirtles vs me) eats my posts and I don't see any new posts after my commands, and ILS told me he posted his (unless I misinterpreted it completely), so i made a testpost and it got eaten as well. Am I the only victim of this bug?
    what you're not? Aw :( I was about to check Sky Caverns. (or um, whatever the area is called.)

    Yeah, I started going through Pal Park.

    Though I don't really want to ask her for certain reasons.

    Hi, BFF!~

    In other news, I finally got an account at the SZ. About time, I've been like "I want to go to the Safari Zone.." and today I was thinking "...wait, why haven't I made an account there exactly?"
    I've been wanting to bring it up for a while, but I never did since I realized "oh but that would sound like I'm purposely trying to get sympathy so I can't ask ;-; and then maybe he'll blow up again...;-;" I finally spit it out now.

    It's fine! I forgive you (that sounds cheesy.)
    I thought you read my assessment of you in the "What do you think of fellow forumgoers?" thread! :o

    I hate to admit this, but I've been avoiding you - and hiding it - since March 23...after this conversation

    Indigo: "Oh, and Superbird. If Hadro vs Phantom ends in DQ (although I think it has) then you'd be reffing a different battle than I originally planned. Byrus took the one between me and I liek Squirtles, so you'll take the one between me and Silver. If the battle ends."
    Superbird: "HAVE to? I'm sorry, but I'll take whichever battle I darn well please!"
    Indigo: "Not have to. I mean out of my battles. ;-;"
    Superbird: "Like I said, we'll see. I might not even take a battle tonight.

    But seriously, don't you think it's more fair for the people who asked first to get their battles taken first?"
    Indigo: "yes"
    Superbird: "Well, see you wen it matters."
    Indigo: "Look, I didn't want to get into this fight...you just completely misunderstood my replies...I give up. I...see you later ;-;"
    Indigo: "Can't we sort this out or something? I was looking forward to our being friends, I mean, I really don't want this all to blow up...please?"
    Superbird: "...I was blowing up...?

    I didn't mean to make you think that, I didn't think I sounded that way at all. I'm sorry."

    ...I feel like I'm guiltripping...
    ...I've been meaning to ask..are you upset at me, now that you know I've been avoiding you?..
    Alrighty. :3 Thank youu.

    We left the house that had it, my house doesn't but my mom's friends house does
    Thanks for taking my battle. Is there anything you want reffed in return? (I won't be able to get to it immediately though)
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