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  • because the only Ice attack Frost Rotom gets is Blizzard, and I would like the insurance of 100% accuracy. (Blizzard has 70% accuracy, right? Well, one time, I was using a Machamp in my fighing mono run in Platinum. He knows Cross Chop, which has 80% accuracy. It hit twice out of the five times I used it. How can I expect to hit reliably with a move that has less accuracy than that?) That might have been a one-time thing, but I actually find it happens too often for comfort.

    And yeah, Weavile is faster, and I think his attack stat is higher than Frosslass's Sp. attack stat. He can learn Pursuit, Ice Shard, Ice Punch, and Brick Break, so pretty epic moves there, especially if he has a Choice Band. I might just go with Weavile...
    I could do her, or Weavile. Both are horridly frail, but actually quite useful!

    Heck, I'd even do Frost Rotom, if it could learn Hail...
    ..all of those pokemon are fighting types! oh, and I'm not sure if I want to delve into the 5th gen with it. And if I did, I would likely choose Golurk.

    I meant suggestions on wildcards, like maybe Dragonite, or something? preferably something that can learn Ice-type attacks. (I know, *looks at Poliwrath*)
    Thank you~

    It was hard to find a pink and blue that wouldn't clash D:

    (how did I not notice you were online until just now?)

    I've made a recolor of Pichu's B/W sprite :D

    Hm. I shall. I used RNG, and Sucker Punch was forgotten. So, I'll put it at 5 rounds for now.
    I noticed! I want to make it a worthwhile post!

    Reffing Question: When using Amnesia, does a Pokemon forget any move, or a move used in that round? I'm confused and it doesn't specify in the ASB Attacks Guide.
    well, I'm not sure if I want another fighting pokemon as my last slot. I was thinking maybe a wildcard (like your Claydol, or the Tentacruel I had in my flying mono)

    But yeah, Machamp would work (except he doesn't really do anything I haven't already planned for, bar No Guard Dynamic Punch)
    With Hitmontop I can go Technician, Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Fake Out, and Rapid Spin.

    He could be my Lead... Give him a random mail (yay anti trick), have him Fake out, then Mach Punch Stuff to death.
    especially considering its AWFUL sp. defense.

    Him, Heracross, Gallade, Infernape, and Hitmontop will definitely be in my fighting mono. I'm not sure if I want to give them a pet Dragon, or find another fighting pokemon I find suitable for the mono I want. (GO wildcards!)
    I agree. He's just like... indestructible. from a non-special attack standpoint, that is.

    Did I ever tell you about the one time I switched into a Suicune's Ice Beam, survived, and then continued to outspeed it, and one hit it with Seed Bomb? That was probably any Beloom's finest moment. Ever.
    Poison Heal/Toxic Orb is a given.

    And yeah, subpunching, but what other pokemon wields the power to consistantly make your opponent sleep, stat increase, and then destroy them with double power and STAB? not many, if any.

    I'm thinking about making a fighting mono. With an anti-trick lead. Mostly because Breloom gets this ridiculous set.

    Swords Dance
    Wake-up Slap
    Seed Bomb/Thunderpunch

    Ah, the ability to make your opponent fall asleep and then wake them up.
    Start off with an easy RP that hasn't started yet, read the rules, fill out the form, and wait for it to start and interact with what happens. Maybe look over some RP's?
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