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  • that's just ridiculous.

    But yeah, I've done pretty much the same thing with my Swellow and Snorlax.

    I've been thinking of making a team with an anti-trick lead. All you need is mail. (It negates Trick!!!!) but you can't do that on Shoddy, either.

    Oh! and I need another ice attack on the team you just faced... I need an efficient way to take out Flygons and Dragonites... They've pretty much destroyed me, and Because Frosslass is a suicide lead, she goes pretty early (but at least destiny bond is cool)
    oh yeah and I ran into like, four other Trick leads today, too. It was funny, because it was like

    "Freezie use Trick! Freezie got a Choice Scarf!"

    And I'm just like, well, this doesn't help me! >:I
    It's so funny sometimes, because I send out my Snorlax, and it's just like "lol return" and I win. Or I send out my Swellow and it's like "lol Facade" and then I win. Like, seriously. I've taken out more than 100% of a steel-type's[/I Hp with that. it's so OP.
    OMG I built this /epic/ competitive team. we must battle. Go to Pokemonexperte on Shoddy. I've been in like 12-14 battles, and only lost twice. I'm so amazed!

    oh and BTW it has a Swellow.
    Superbird before you ref anything I want you to know that i sightly edited my commands! Im sorry if it causes any problems, its because I forgot that Peach was Tormented!

    Yeah. Have I said? I'm cyberschooled~ (which means I don't need to get up at a certain time.)
    They're too lazy to. That's my point.

    Bedtime=1:00 AM=wake up at about 10:00 AM. I was extremely tired yesterday since I woke up at like 7:30 AM, and was asleep a lot longer XD

    Most people my age don't care at all...

    (also hey I woke up late this time T-T)

    Also, *hugs* sorry about not making it for Advanced reffing level D:

    bah I wished I got approved, but I could tell it wouldn't make it after seeing Glace's D:

    It's still worth CELEBRATION. (I actually woke up at 8:00 AM but I wasn't on TCoD for awhile.)
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