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  • You should become an RPer! Tons of things make sense and it helps you become a better writer too, have you seen my posts?

    My Gyarados was two levels beneath it when I swept her team. With just my Gyarados. Go Avalanche!

    Oh, and I know why Claire's Kingdra is mean! It knows Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Beam, and Rest. That's it. Speaking of good times, I loved Emerald while you were in the Elite Four, and Drake decided he could have a Kingdra too. It was like "Oh, you thought you were done with Kingdra? guess again!"
    Yeah.. she should really call a service area that can help her.. I'm sure she has nice relatives or something!

    (She wouldn't necessarily care since she's only about four years old, and she's always "SUNSHINERANBOWSSUGARLAND 8D")
    Oh. I thought you were asking how about much she'd (it's singular) miss me..

    No, I'm fairly sure she doesn't.
    I don't want to deal with my parents anymore...

    It seems tempting to not have to be around them after being dead :/
    It's more useful than it sounds, actually.

    And I've been thinking about ditching Togekiss, as it is too easily countered now. I only really get KOs with it near the end, when they have like Mismagius or Lucario left, and even then I tend to lose that struggle. I might switch it with Gyarados, or Weavile. The plus of Gyarados is that I could have it know a Dragon attack (for Kingdra. I ran into one randomly and it just wrecked me) and an Ice attack, along with Dragon Dance and Waterfall, or maybe even Stone Edge so then I could theoretically ditch it on Infernape and keep my mixed Sweeper longer (because I keep sending it to KO flying pokemon, figuring I'm faster than them, but I always get got), teach it like Close Combat or something like that...

    So, suggestions? Imma go look at Smogon.
    yeah, I thought of that, but which move would I ditch? Crunch, Earthquake, Return, or Rock Slide? (Actually I find all of those move quite useful, except that I use Crunch next to never, and Earthquake is better on Steelix anyhow...)
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