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  • I am now an anime fan.

    Oh that guy!
    He has pointy hair.

    ... You know at first I misread it as meaning literal dates. :v

    FISHING UP DRAGONITES. This is truly the most wonderful gen.

    Mmm, that would be lovely. It's better to get what you need from someone you know rather than someone you don't, after all. Although I do hope they give out the Pokemon for it, because from what I heard the one you get from the shiny Legendary Girbils event is always female and EGO POKEMON GO
    Yes, it is quite grand!

    That's me against... pretty much anything I'm going against underleveled! And then after about fifteen tries it's just like "FUUUUUU- ooh i won"

    ...Wait, which one is Giima again?

    Bahaha, there's one of those in there? xD That's amazing, or it would be if you could still go in it.

    Well I meant pre-E4, but yes.
    You know, I like how Isshu is based on New York and yet in the winter you can catch fucking WALREIN by surfing.

    re: team-planning question that I overlooked: The rest of my team went something like Shandera, whatever the dog's final evo is, Wargle (I'll be trading for it, fuck barujina), Random Water Type, army of Zoroarks.

    My oldest /would/ be out of my Red version if it hadn't died from me playing around with Eldritch Abomination Glitch Pokemon far too much before I could send everything important to Crystal... which later died. :l
    See this is why I need a flashcart so I don't lose these things D: Every single one of my carts of the original games is missing or dead in some way. You're lucky.

    Ah. I suppose that is the best way to do it, although I get rather impatient with level-grinding rather quickly. So I suppose I'm looking forward to getting my Black version for that...!

    ...Oh. Shows me for not remembering!
    Unrelated question: Is it true they keep with all the Pikachu symbolism even though there's supposed to be no old Pokemon?

    ...Well I was going to catch a Shandera anyway, so!
    For me after I beat the main story once I tend to not restart because I grow too fond of my pokémon. At least, not until I can transfer my favorites out. Example: My oldest current 'mon is my starter from my very first file on Sapphire, and I didn't even train it that much. :v

    Hmhm, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.

    I've only ever tried training my entire team equally once, on Platinum which I recently restarted. I am currently up to Canalave City and 10 levels behind everything else. If this gen makes it any easier to do it I'll love it forever. :l

    Mmm, decent spread there. I've got most of my team mapped out already, although I'm still trying to decide on a starter. It's a two-way tie between Ganonpork the Enbuoo and Teruchi the Jaroda and I could probably just mooch off my more gullible friends for both plus Wotter which I have no idea what I'd name it but still.
    Corny or not, I just like being able to read it in my native language.
    It's either that or I'm just too lazy to try learning Japanese.

    ...Huh. You know what? I know people that do that. If I knew where to find them, I'd probably do it...!

    ...Really. They changed it? That'll make training the thing (and everything else) much easier!

    Just curious; what main team do you use anyway?
    It's the whole understanding it business that made me decide to wait until the English release in the first place. I want to be able to know what people are sayiiing D:
    That and I can't afford to import. And there's just something that's far more satisfying about playing it on the actual system.

    ...The big fat fire moth thing?
    That thing does look pretty boss. And iirc you can catch one at lv. 70 which makes training a wild one that much easier.
    Also that Bug/Grass thing looks like it could at least make its way out of NU.
    Meh, way I see it it's another fad. A couple weeks' time and everyone (including me) will have moved on to something else.

    I'm not too sure on that. A friend of mine imported White, can't understand a lick of Japanese and is doing just fine on it. But I personally think he's cheating by using the internet so.

    I know, man. It might cease being utterly USELESS if they did that!
    Pokémon needs more useful bug-types :v
    Well, not all of them, but I've been with a particular forum for a while now that has some very user-unfriendly restrictions on casual things like that. It's refreshing to have those options again.
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