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  • I DUNNO WHY THEY USE IT but i use it because it's fun to say :v

    Plot in a pokémon game.
    I'LL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT (read: oh god why did i not just download a ROM)

    that thing is amazing and i want it
    Well! I certainly am looking forward to B/W, if only for ERUFUUN I WANT ONE and the snazzy music.
    IF YOU ASK ME THOUGH, the next gen after this needs a rainbow pokemon (ho-oh doesn't count because it's not /really/ rainbow). I would love the hell out of that.
    It's also quite fun to see what they can come up with too. I'm pretty sure everyone, except the most of the new members(except the ones that are him) know about Turbo. It'll most likely become one of the Legends of TCoD, tiltled, 'Turbo, the Member Who Would Never Give Up.'
    Wow, I was off by a lot. He really is a dedicated person. Maybe he enjoys being banned, since he just dosen't know how and when to quit.
    Well I'll know what to do if I ever get banned! XD
    Turbo just wouldn't quit, he made, like, seven other accounts. Its a shame people are just so determined, and they know they'll just get banned again, the members here aren't stupid.
    Yea, some people don't know how to quit when they get banned the first time. I would probably have two accounts or something, but both of them would most likely be banned.
    I said that cause Turbo and Khaos have kept coming back, and its hard to tell whos whos. ^-^'
    Oh, alright, I get it now. So like you said, if the Pokémon about to hatch is shiny when you have it, it will end up non-shiny when traded over to someone else because the ID and SID has been changed. Okay, thank you very much for correcting me!

    Mmm, okay, I see. The Manaphy egg is programmed to not let you hatch it shiny, but only someone else can. I see. Alright, thank you very much James! Thanks a lot! :D
    ...Yes, I saw yours too. Thank you for letting me know!

    I stopped quite a while ago after finding an article on shiny Pokémon, and it stated that it's impossible to get a shiny event Pokémon unless it was something like the shiny Pichu. I felt like an idiot after that, ahaha. But once again, thank you for letting me know.

    Hmm? Why is that? If I'm correct, doesn't trading an egg to a different Pokémon game make it so that it's impossible for it the hatched Pokémon to be shiny? I've heard that quite a few times. Or is there an exception with the Manaphy egg?
    AWESOME (oh god it's still not done like a minute later)

    You have a real knack for this! :o I can see from some of the variants how you perfect them - not just colors, but cropping and really framing them well. too cool!

    but why'd you ditch those other ~350 you mentioned? :x
    Those are amazing! Colour me very, very impressed! I'm actually a failure - I don't make any of my icons (except for a Willow/Tara one I used a while back which took me like three hours and never again) and spend half my life prowling around LJ for new, exciting ones.

    I enjoy the freakish amount of James in yours XD
    omg what is this

    ... omg

    ... omg you are the greatest person ever

    /totally grabbing that one and that one too and I have to have that one and frick how do I even do this /READS MAN PAGES

    but omg thanks!! \o\ /o/ |o|!!

    ETA: what is james doing in the one where he looks like he's about to slug someone?
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