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  • For the same reason I thought my shitty mixes were good and that Static-X produced enjoyable music: because I was retarded.
    I used to go by the incredibly mature handle of "krazymudkipkid".

    Any memories/urges to murder resurfacing?
    Yes thats true! I don't think Peeta had very many fans seeing as in the first book Katniss is the one who got all the stuff from Haymich and others! It also seemed that Gale was jealous when she talked to Finnick or Peeta.
    Haha, that happens to me too sometimes.

    I never did really like Peeta though. And I think just because he had a bread making family dosen't mean he should be named after bread! For some reason I liked Gale better, I'm not sure why though...
    Geez, I know I read fast compared to my other friends but not that fast!

    I always realized some people had to [eh, spoiler] but it shouldn't have been Finnick! And I always thought Katniss and Gale would have been a good couple, by the end of the third book it made me feel sorry for him. :0
    Wow! You read fast! The only reason I had gotten into them is by our school bookclub. When I read the 3rd one it made me cry because of what happened to Finnick. He was my favorite character too! I hate how they did that to him. :[
    So you're a Hunger Games fan too?! [somewhat stalking VM's...] I personally liked the 2nd book best. The 3rd one made me cry. ='(
    It took me a while to read them, actually. I read them on and off, but during my spare time I read them pretty quickly. Plus I had to wait for them because instead of buying them we waited until a library had one. Luckily they happened to have them there without much of a wait.

    Yeah, I was tied between those two, as though Mckingjay was great, the ending was sad. You were right, though, it was definitely the right ending. I liked Snow as a villain too, he was interesting. We didn't see him that much but that was good, I kind of liked the presence but not in person of him. Makes sense, him being the presiident and all.

    Yeah, I was a little bit confused when she shot ---- too. Didn't reread it though, just considered it and moved on. I hold back rereading everything obsessively until after I finish a book.

    I prefer happy endings too, but sad endings are fine, especially if it fits. The ending really fits.

    Yeah, so I noticed on the NaNoWriMo thread you said you finished The Hunger Games and the other books. Man, you read fast! :o

    I love the Hunger Games series! Which book is your favorite? I don't really know, but maybe the first book.
    Don't look at me like that. :(

    (Actually a pretty significant part of my not liking those instant talky things is that my attention span is horrible enough without having to pay attention to those all the time--I either never get anything else done or I might as well not have logged on at all. :/ I'm not actually that asocial. Sort of.)
    I am usually very good at ignoring nagging, though! The only reason I even bothered setting up an MSN was because I actually needed to at one point; I stopped using it again after that.
    I do have some IM things because people nagged me about it forever but I'm never on/never use them for much the same reason I never go on IRC. :/
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