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  • Well, I just asked to take $30 from my account to open a new area. should I wait til that's approved, or can i post it now?
    (I've got Blade Caverns ( the name of the area) ready to go.)
    oh god it's a mod

    what do

    hello, on that account! o: I've seen you around #tcod. man i am surpirsed i haven't been booted out yet, but you guys seem pretty cool o/
    I did join the thing :D

    so what is going on \o I have been reading diane duane's feline wizards and playing ghost trick! can you believe it is september already, it feels like halloween was just like, a month ago
    ohhh. I thought I already was in that cause I was able to join walker's! kay! o/
    thank... you? so what do I hit I don't see what to hit :(

    can you not just add me manually or something? :x
    Aww, really? *very flattered*

    Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Media sounds like the best class ever. The Old Spice Guy sounds like a really good topic for something like that - good luck with it! :D
    Can I read it when it's done?

    Ah, you asked me in the message-I-forgot-to-reply-to (sorry ><) what blogs I read - my favourite and most frequently checked is Shakesville, and I really enjoy Angry Asian Man, too. And Women's Eye on Media! There's loads of progressive blogs out there, though (they often link to one another) and they're all really enlightening reads.

    Good luck with chemistry! I realized when I did my A-levels (when I was 17) quite how bad I was at science, chemistry especially. It didn't help that there were only four people (including me) in my entire class, so there was a quarter chance I'd be picked on to answer any given question. So I spent the entire time in complete fear because my chem teacher was terrifying.
    'scuse me ma'am but d'ya plan to update the evolution station soon? X: not to rush or anything, just...!
    Hahaha, I assumed it was a "Let's assume Americans don't understand Britspeak!" thing, but I've been reading a bunch of "UK vs. US version of The Office" things (because I really have nothing better to do with my time) and the number of Americans saying they don't like the UK version because they can't understand what's being said is mind-boggling XD

    Okay, you've pretty much sold me on how much I should play these games. Especially V. Even if, uh, you make it sound pretty difficult o:

    You're gonna be 20 minutes away from home? Geeeez, that'll be useful if you want to make your parents do your washing and things. I'm 6-ish hours from home during termtime, and while it sort of has taught me ~*independence!~*, it also means I get to see my family once every four months or so. And I spend a ridiculous amount of money and what feels like half my life on transport to and fro :/

    Yeah, the depth you get to study your *one subject* in is really cool if you know that's what you want to be doing. For example, I can specialize in social policy or cultural studies or gender studies or whatever, and not have to bother with math credits or whatever it is you guys do.
    Intro to Gender and Sexuality and Race and Sexuality in the Media sound fantastic <3 I've taken a few gender modules and loved them (well, actually, my Sex Gender Socialisation seminar leader didn't "understand" transgender people, so we didn't really get on), and I'm doing a module on Race and Identity next term and can't wait <3
    I'd love to do a race/gender in the media-type course, but either they're not offered at my uni, or they're media modules (which I, as a Social Sciences student, can't take). I do enough studying of gender and race in the media online, I suppose, though; I spend half my life on progressive blogs X3
    I have to say, I don't envy you on the chem front, though, but good luck with it! :D
    Which foreign languages were you thinking of studying? Will you get a chance to visit any foreign countries while studying them?
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