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  • I AM AWARE. ... but I have not been around for a while so I wanted to compliment you on your sparkles. :(

    *sparkle sparkle*
    I can't get over the subtitling thing... how about American shows where there's one British character? They wouldn't subtitle just them, would they? Oh, this is far too funny.

    The manga I have turns out to be from Suikoden III, and that's pretty good.
    Oh, you had me at gay subtext and cool female characters <3 Also, 109 recruitables? That's pretty damn awesome. I'll definitely keep an eye out. Suikoden IV and V are showing up on Amazon to be reasonably cheap pre-owned, so once I scrape a little money together, I might get 'em. :D

    I want rainbow pantaloons <3

    You're in Maryland already, aren't you? It'll be good not having to go too far every time you need to come home, though The Wire has made Baltimore look like a pretty scary place (but 24 basically says that if you live in LA, you will be killed by terrorists, so TV's not really a realistic representation of hot US cities work), and having friends nearby is always good. My best friend went to a uni in London, about an hour and a half away from me, and it was great being able to hop on a train and visit her anytime. She's abandoning me for North Carolina next year, though.

    You're actually pretty lucky you don't have to specialize, I think; making you pick a degree you could well be using for the rest of your life age 17 is a bit demanding, I think. I agonized over what to do before pretty much randomly picking sociology (which I had never studied before at all), and luckily it turned out I love it. Linguistics sounds really cool, though; are you going to be doing English language, or doing some foreign languages, too?
    Hahaha, really? British shows come with subtitles? Oh, that's fantastic XD
    I think Sherlock might take a while to come out in the US (it's so sad you guys can't access BBC iPlayer), but I reccomend it muchly.

    Aww, I know exactly what you mean with having exciting people around and then they leave and you're all alone D: Have fun up at Zhorken's, though! :D
    I haven't played any of the Suikoden games, no, but I've heard they're excellent (as good as FF, but not as popular?), so I'd like to sometime. Would you reccomend starting with the original one and working my way up from there, then?
    I know I've got a few volumes of the Suikoden manga, but I have no idea which game it corresponds to. o.o

    Oh my, that is exciting! Which uni are you going to? What course(s) will you be studying? Is anyone you know going there, or will you be going by yourself?
    You'll love uni, it's fantastic :D
    Hey! I'm looking at our conversation record and, holy hell, amd I bad at replying to you, or what? I'm really sorry about that D:

    I am very flattered at both the shining reccomendation and the description of "giant ball of goodwill", which I love and would very much like to have put on my headstone when I die :D

    I'm good, thanks! I'm enjoying the summer, mostly chillaxing and spending far too much time fanning over the BBC's new adaptation of Sherlock Holmes and hanging out at the relevant kinkmeme, and wishing I had a job, if only so my parents would stop hating me for not having one. It's generally a good time, though :D

    It's good to hear from you - what've you been up to recently?
    omg I love your drawing style <33333

    anyway, um. a Pikachu and a Meowth... looking cute together, I guess? idk I'm not used to getting offers from people to do stuff for me so I always feel so awkward about it, like giving them too complex requests will put pressure on them, or something :/
    Not too recently... I played it in my regular DS recently, but never got on Wi-Fi for that very reason.
    Okey =3 Also, I'm not sure if it was me or Barubu, but one of our Wi-Fi is screwed because we couldn't trade a few days ago, so...
    Quite honestly, I don't care if it's legit, because I'm just trying to complete the Pokédex.
    I don't have Wi-Fi where I am now, but I'll be going to a place with Wi-Fi around 4:00 GMT -5. And my code is Diamond 1548 9459 6460 (I'll be getting SS soon =D)

    Also, going by what I don't have in my dex/events I don't have (I am trying to get a 100% complete dex), I need a Celebi for dex and an event Pikachu would be nice, but now I'm fearing I'm asking too much :/
    I have a lot of legendaries that have had a battle or two, but I don't think I have any untouched. Will some that have never grown levels but have a little experience points work?
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