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  • You're so mean! ;_; Just kidding. I get more comments from my sister.

    I was 4-5 years old when I had it.

    The site that I went to said 5-6 feet as adults.
    Of course, it was Wikipedia. Which can suck.
    Really. Well. I've gotta go say sorry to some dead frogs. Ahem.

    Well, because if my mom hated it when I had a mouse, then imagine what she'd be like with a 5 foot python around.
    Sure you can! Just, yaknow,put him on your hand and let him hop around! I guess.

    Python?! That would be cool, but my mom would never agree to that! Plus, I like mammals more.
    A frog would be cool too. I like just about every animal except for fish. You can't play with fish! D=
    In a cage? Or free-roaming?

    Funny you would mention sugar gliders, I just looked them up. I'd heard of them, but never knew anything about them. They're kinda cute. But I can almost guarantee hat my mom would not like it.
    *Goes to look up Mantella*
    Where do you keep a duck? Or get one? I only rarly hear of people having pet ducks.
    I've never heard that about hedgehogs, maybe I'll have to reconsider...
    You have a duck? That's awesome! I've always wondered what it would be like to have one.
    I've never seen a duck with that coloration, what kind is he?
    I don't have any pets. I used to have a couple cats, but they died. But I'm nagging my mom to let me get a hedgehog.
    It worked! Thanks!
    So, I guess this ends our conversation, which was about pomegranates. Somehow.
    Unless I ask you about dat weather!
    So, how 'bout dat weather?
    About what?
    Hey, you're a Mod, maybe you could help me. My "Notifications" says I have a new visitor message, but there isn't one. Do you know why this happened?
    I'm not sure if you have the power to do this, but do you think that it would be a good idea to add a separate section for Spriting Contests and Armies/Collections? That way, people could still do Armies and Contests without clogging up the other board.
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