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  • Yes, yes, you should! I enjoyed it, at least. It's the cutest game ever and Card Pop is pretty nifty. Quite challenging, too, really.

    EDIT: Er, *Pop-Up Duel. I have the Pokémon TCG GB game on the mind. D:
    My sister was a major YunaxTidus fan. It annoyed me a lot though. That part is /terrible/... even my sister said so and she loves picture perfect, predictable pairings.

    I wish they'd erelease III in the US. They'd make a lot of money, I think, even now... what with it being 'The Lost FF' and all.

    I'm going to buy TA2 as soon as I feel comfortable spending the money. My hours at work got cut and now I only get $30 a week. D: THAT DOES NOT PAY FOR COLLEGE.

    "Not this year! Otakon's pretty good whenever I go, if really crowded, but I mainly just go to Balticon every year. It's a science fiction/fantasy con. :3 It's also fairly small, friendly, and people tend to actually recognize each other there. Certainly isn't crowded and definitely doesn't get people travelling ALL OVER just to go to a con. Unlike Otakon."
    That sounds awesome! :3 I will do some research on this. I think I will definitely go next year though.
    That's probably the longest visitor message ever. x3

    Yeah, I figured it out; IRC, that is. After like a year. I meant to ask you something: I closed all of my tabs in a hurry; did you send me a private chat or something. I thought I saw 'surskitty' there...

    You're absolutely right about Squall and Rinoa! When the terrain gets bad, he actually carries her across a snowy, mountainous continent. On his back. Because she has, of course, fallen into an inexplicable coma... x.x; I stopped playing for a while there.

    Oh, no! They can't mess up the class systems. That's basically why I play FF. So, I'll get IV ADV. then. If I can find them, I'll also get V and VI. IIIDS was absolutley as bad as you heard. Shame, too, because the class system was so fun. I need new games to play, besides all my edu. games for the DS. I'm really stressing about the SAT's in a month. ;;

    Hey, you live near me, right? Did you go to Otakon? If so, should I have? I was going to, but a friend told me how crowded it was going to be and I freaked out. I can't stand crowds.
    I know what you mean. I think I'm the only FFVIII fan that intensely hates Squall. I don't particularly like Rinoa either. I guess it's just that you can't help becoming emotionally invested in the story. The draw system was a bit annoying; if you got really rare magics, you inevitably hoarded them, so they never got used. Eh. I guess it's just that I feel a fan has to have played all of the main FF's. Of course, I've never played played IV, V or VI. Are they any good? I'm thinking of buying IVDS.
    Hey surskitty. :D I was reading "Which FF?" and you said you'd never played VIII. Really? It seems like something you'd have loved. I'm not going to crush you with my fan-ishness; I was just curious.
    I was quite fond of your Yellow and Pika avatar you had a while ago <3~ This one isn't bad either, though due to my small amout of fandoms I don't know what series it's from. Guessing from the art style, it's probably Final Fantasy.

    Um, I agolgize for my lack of criticing on your art thread; I'd be willing to do so, but I'd like to know if you'd continue updating it~
    the last boss was hardest for me i beat the game at level 43.
    i was amazed and they hae 3 new games coing out.
    yea the only way i got into final fantasy is because kingdom hearts
    ive beaten the second kingdom hearts but not the first.
    wow you really like final fantasy
    ive seen alot of the games but i never really played them.
    im a bit of a fianl fantasy fan ive played the 10th game
    i never finished it because i was borrowing it.
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