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  • Um. I was stupid, and before you approved it...(I am going to say a dumb thing) well, I clicked 'Save' instead of 'Preview'. I'm so, so, sorry. I was trying to ask Cirrus, knowing that you would be really annoyed, but no reply... I'm sorry. If it's too out of the way, then I'll wait for Cirrus to reply.
    Um. Hey, Applejack. I need you to do some moderator thing for me. The HTML signature... could you approve it? Or tell me why not? Thanks, either way.
    I forgot about this! You should stay not-Tailsy for a while so we can pull off our plot. [nod]
    You should get on #tcod so I can ask for permission to post surskitty/tailsy fic.
    Nevermind. Signed up, got the id, checking if it works now. Thanks for the help. (I was using my TCoD id, apparently.)
    Sorry for late reply, but I assume I would need to sign up for the widget to work, correct?
    Do you know how to get a name in the widget? All it is for me is the widget with no name, so I need help.
    Hey, can you please link me to that widget in your signature? I can't find it, and I didn't get a link from Mewtwo, or whoever she is now, when I asked her.
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