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  • o_o
    Whereas all the kids at my school have ridiculously sick minds, but that's insane.
    And quite possibly the stupidest reason to make fun of someone ever.
    ALLOW ME TO PUNCH THEM ALL IN THE FACE. It could take a while, though.
    Oh, yes. The little baby you (hypothetically, maybe he won't be, but oh well) adopted is totally gonna murder you. Totally. -_-
    Wow.. and I thought the people in my school were idiots. >>

    Completely understandable.
    Happy.. kinda late birthday. Sorry I didn't go on before.. ^^;
    *whatever sound a zebra makes*
    His name is Sir Bobbingston.
    Cox Rhapsody~ ;D
    No really, It's just awesome. It's where I got my giant collection of Gomez and video game remixes from. Also, if you can, see if you can find "PLAY! A Video Game Symphonie". I recomend "Silent HIll 2" "Chrono Cross" "Castlevania" Commodoro 64" and "Kingdom Hearts". They're all great, expesialy Silent Hill for the guitar and Chrono Cross for the piano and epic end section. X3
    Darns. He was nice.

    Listen to "Alice in the Pool With Me", if just for the completly strange and unexpected intro. X3
    Than listen to "Don't Look For Me" "What Do We Do?" "The Fog" and in the album Alice the second to last song for the music. :>
    Is he a repeat pop-in or was that a one-time thing?

    Random fun fact: While I was drawing your birthday pic I was listening to strange freaky japanese techno music that I found and downloaded on a whim. Hertzmix is the band, if odd foriegn techno spurs your intrest. O_o
    The name rings a bell. My mom said something about the actor coming out a homosexual a while ago too. He was great, heee sarcasm. X3
    I think some parts of Seasame Street appeal to everybody. I as randomly flipping through channels one morning and I stumbled upon a Seasame Street episode with a man called the "Shoe Fairy". Apparently they were trying to find some shoes for the blue thing and they couldn't figure out what he wanted. Shoe Fairy sang and made cynical remarks and was all sarcastic it was great. :>

    Blue Thing- Yeah, but I don't really want these shoes..
    Shoe Fairy- *annoyed look facepalm* I just sang a huge musical number and you don't want the shoes?!

    I want to see that epi again. X3
    I've seen the book Freak the Mighty and have had it explained to me, but I never stopped to read it. I see the connection though. Somehow our personalities are almost complete opposites, yet we get along so well with eachother. I wont stop joking around, I'm a bard at heart so frankly it would be almost impossible. X3
    I hope nothing changes with age either. A TOAST.
    Hrm. Is it your biting that made the scar tissue or something else?
    And I agree on the smell of too much blood. Ugh, salty and sour and rancid and bluurg.
    I'm too disliking of pain to force myself to bleed, but I have noticed that blood kinda tastes good. It tastes all metalic, like a penny. I used to chew on pennys a lot when I was four or something, so that's probably why I like the taste so much.
    Yeah, it is. Not enough to make me want to kill someone, but still. Sometimes I just feel like a hemomaniac.
    My rib is healing quite well. Breathing has gotten easier, which is always good. X3
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