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  • ...
    No, not :D!

    I'm tired of the shit Bakura puts her through, Ulqi! It pisses me off! Excuse my french!

    hjykgjj vy0
    ^ Me punching keyboard

    Every time something happens, he tries to freaking isolate her from her friends. You'd think that derp would have learned by now, isolation is the worst route when mentally screwed up. Especially under the circumstances.
    Feli: *noms*
    Me: *noms* That was good! Let's go!
    Feli: Ve~ Okay! But how are we going to get there?
    Feli: Ve~ Sounds cool! We should look for it!
    Me: Yeah! Let's finish our ice cream first, it'll melt. And don't worry about communication, I know a bit of Arabic. :D
    Feli: Ve~ I didn't know Egypt had good food...
    Me: I wouldn't know either! I've never been there!
    Feli: Ve~ I was there once before, but only for a little bit. We should go there sometime~
    *Deep DEEEEEEP Sigh*

    S'all good, Momo and Rangiku in the new episode make me think of our characters. They be all high-fivin' and stuff. :3c
    Clearly. Although I think I won't let new people participate until we've gotten out of Hueco Mundo. Unless I have at least two built up when we reach a nice point for reinforcements.

    I MUST PLAN FOR EVERY EVENT. Just like Captain Kurotsuchi. And sometimes Urahara, but, you know... "He'll either kick your ass or grab it."
    All of the above.

    You know, after Luxcario's form is done and Nightmane's is edited appropriately, I think I'm going to start it. Five should be enough, right?
    Indeed-ee-doodle-doo. (Dahell?)

    But, yeah. They'll get the same Hell Butterfly telling them the message.

    I still think your character is creepy.
    Feli: Ve~ Well, it's not very cold, is it?
    Me: ...Yeah...
    Feli: And it's not raining like in England, right?
    Me: ...I guess...
    Feli: And the food's good, right?
    Me: ...(We haven't even tasted the food...)
    Feli: So we must be in Italy! Around the middle!
    Me: ...If you say so...
    Feli: Ve~! Kitty! *hugs*
    Eeyup! Hey, have you seen my nuzlocke comics I've been making?

    And how was your day? :D
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