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    Hieeeeeeeee- ENOUGH OF THAT. How are you? How is your zombie apa..apcoa...thingy?
    Me: Sure thing!
    Feli: He and his brother are together again, though. Ever since that wall Ivan built fell down. He's still scaaaary, though.
    Me: Well that's good. Except for the scary part.
    Feli: Ve~ Don't worry, he's in Russia! The scary guy, not my friend and his brother. We're in Italy, so it'll be all OK!
    Me: Heeeey, Feli-chan. You seem a little nervous.
    Feli: ...Weeeeell, last time I was in an alliance, it didn't turn out well. My friend was separated from his brother for a loooooong time.
    me: Oh.
    MY HOTEL HAD WIFI YESSSSS. If only for a single night... *Dramatic gaze*

    No, but seriously, I'm really tired from the car, and Annie needs some time being completely out of it. She's already fainted anyways, so please, go on ahead with the RP. Logan can carry me. And then when Annie wakes up, she'll be like, "WHAT THE HELL MY HEAD GODDAMN YOU LOGAN."

    Hehehehehheehehehehe. I may drop lil' hints.

    Also, dumping this random GIF here so I can use it later.
    Bweeheheheehhee, Vegeta, Richie, Goku, and lots more have a secret past together no one knows about...And Vegeta and Richie won't tell.
    *Pokepokepoke* Been on a road trip for a few days, haven't had access until we finally stopped at the Golden Arches for dinner in a another freakin' state, SO, I won't be able to post in Masque for a while. Yaaaay. :/
    Yep. Very interesting... Especially when Vegeta and Richie's secret past comes to light.
    I'll be using that face a lot during this next saga.
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