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  • Yami: Yusei, what are you doing here?
    Yusei: I came here to play a card game. (ON MOTORCYCLES!) By the way, did I just run over Kuriboh?
    Yami: Oh don't worry, it's only Jaden.
    Jaden: I think I broke my coxics!
    Yami: Oh walk it off, you Mary Sue!
    Me too!

    "Zorc, did you forget our anniversary again?"

    So I was sitting around and I remembered how you're having problems with your brother's terrible singing. Might I suggest abusing his talents to start a grindcore band?
    Not much. I actually discovered YGOTAS while searching for episode 2. I do read the manga, though. I used to watch 4KIDS TV but then we didn't get cable. *EFF*ing cable.

    Of course, loving the manga, I find it sad that the non-Season Zero is only based on a children's card game. There was a lot of other neat stuff in the original before Takahashi decided to focus on Duel Monsters.

    They also rush into the story on the first episode, and someone who has never heard of Yu-Gi-Oh will get very confused very quickly.

    There, I'm done ranting. Now to go finish episode 14 of YGOTAS.

    PS(lol): Yami sounds a little off, and Tristan(obviously) as well, but everyone else is fairly good. Ryo reminds me of England, actually.
    Wait, what the not? That is so friggin awesome!


    Now I want to go watch YGOTAS all over again. And I think I will.
    No. I know for a fact Doji can't completely control Trunks because he's a cat, and Trunks is a human/Saiyan.

    But, he comes pretty stinking close.

    Also, it's because Trunks fights Doji's control. If he were to give up...

    We'd be screwed.
    Nooooooo! He's Doji. At least, some of him is....
    Doji would rip that place up, releasing all the creepy things in it. And that would be bad. You see, Trunks may gain some of Doji's abilities, and if Doji is powerful enough to create Game...It makes sense Trunks/Doji could destroy Game or anything in it.

    ...Yeah, it's bad. They may have to lock him in a room for a while.
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