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  • delightful :D
    well i shall let you get back to your badass modding ways and refrain from bothering you further
    maybe it's just me but i find that someone with a "BADASS MOD POLICE B|" usertitle should have an equally fantastic signature.
    or maybe i'm just strange.
    No. If I ignore a post that suggests I might object to something, it means I don't.
    I'm still e-reffing it; I've been working on my senior thesis and trying to pass Calculus, and I have the SAT tomorrow and college apps to worry about so I'm a bit slower than preferable. If you need someone faster you can feel free to grab another e-ref, but it's still on my to-do list.
    Well, when you live in the UK, Australia is one of those places that everyone would like to visit, but most people don't get around to doing so, because it's so expensive and far away. Like visiting France for Americans. It was really just the first example of "things most people would like to do (religious or not)" that came into my head.
    Very soon your :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    will turn into D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
    The sentence "I am a derp" sounds adorable, just noting.

    Hm, I haven't heard of any restrictions before concerning images, but. I just thought "if I only use like ten then it'll repeat and what kind of random is that?"

    But sorry about the bother, then!
    Hey, uv! I thought I'd poke you to maybe approve/take a look at my HTML signature.

    I just remember that awhile back, someone told me that I could just poke a mod to approve, which I did to success. Sorry for the intrusion!
    You sound like me! Except without the business part. But yeah, I just use Kratos' calc, hope for the best and flail around with status conditions because even though they're wonderful in battles they confuse me to no end. I swear, I probably take at least an hour more than necessary for almost every aspect of reffing. I'm not sure exactly how long it takes me to punch in the numbers (which is really simple, honestly), but it's easily the worst part of reffing. But then I get to write silly, fun flavor text that probably sucks but is fun! So yeah.

    It will be! I probably sound like an advertisement or something with that but I don't know exactly what else to say so ^^;

    There's going to be!

    Kratos is up for it as well as I am, and when MF has his 'queen I'm pretty sure he'll be participating too. I don't really know what the arena or anything would be like, but either way I'm pretty sure we'll all be able to agree on something.

    Yeah, I'm sort of tied up on battles too. While I still a slot left (I try to always save one in case a really exciting challenge comes up), it's going to be filled really soon probably in November so I can exploit my part of the arena for NaNoWriMo. You aren't a referee, though? I sort of assumed you were; you might be good at that! I'd offer to take/e-ref one of your battles, but I'm already going pretty slowly with three so it probably wouldn't be much of an improvement. :/ Sorry.
    ... Funny I actually know a mod who did the same thing to a thread of mine... not you though!
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