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  • Hey, uh, would you mind locking a thread in the Forum Games? There's a duplicate of the Rate the Avatar thread.
    Yeah I've never really checked out fifth gen, I knew of the zebra, just not it's name.

    Will note though. :3
    I just like manetric. But now it's a funny looking horse from fifth gen that I don't know...
    You can get an e-ref. I thought I was going to have time to ref it, but i ran out of it. I need to take a small hiatus from reffing, I should be back in a couple weeks or so.
    It was a new revelation! It was ground-breaking! I didn't even know it yet!

    You broke my fun uv. :P
    Awwww, uv you ruined my fun. I wanted to see how many newbies thought I was a 49 year old man!!
    Not once Butterfree uploads the fixed files; before then, I don't know, but I'll keep an eye on it.
    Yeah no.

    Alas for I can't actually ban people on suspicion that they're the person behind that, but for now I'll get rid of the account.
    Also, what was up with that Platypus guy? He sort of explicitly mentioned me posting something about him in the memories of TCoD thread, but he also mentioned people wanting his ASB mons.

    So it was either Joseph or Pwne, and I know Joseph's writing style, not to mention he didn't really have any reason to call TCoD hypocrites. Pwne on the other hand obviously doesn't go to Oxford, and he couldn't have been a troll because he had accounts on other forums (and who does that I mean seriously).
    My strategy in ASB is to make ridiculously simple command chains when I command first that are so straightforward they're impossible to break, then exploit all the flaws I can find in my opponent's command chain.

    ASB is all about manipulating your opponent's conditionals. That's why I hardly ever use them.
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