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  • Haha, don't be sorry. I mean, your grandfather has just come out of the ICU. I should be sorry for nagging at you, really. I dunno, I mean I was just thinking since I started uni – or even before that – I'd started to become terribly out of touch with a lot of people who I'd really hate to lose and had a slight epiphany about it recently. I will have to try to grab you on Facebook chat some time. It's just a shame that we kind of live on opposite sides of the globe. Your sleeping hours are my waking hours and vice-versa. :(

    I'm also rather excited!! :D It'll be good, I hope. Just hope we get a reliable referee. :s
    ultraviolet, why do you have to live on the opposite side of the globe and be seemingly inaccessible by any form of instant messenger thing? :(

    I'm hoping our three-way battle with ASB will pick up a referee soon, since we're now in the top three slots! :D

    EDIT: Well, I realise this was a few days ago but I was just scrolling through the Grr thread. Really sorry to hear about your grandfather and hope your family are all okay. :(
    I'm pretty good! Rather tired but there's not much I can do to help that except finding more time to sleep. :s How are you doing?
    My life has been extremely short of ultraviolet of late! Where have you been? :o
    "it's nice to be appreciated when you're trying hard to be supportive! :D"

    isn't that the greatest feeling? really pretty avatar btw
    Waa thank you so much! Sorry I haven't been around lately. Haha, I'm loving the yellow afro mareep. :P Sorry I didn't get to the thing in time, too. I'll have to give you something later to make up for it!! I'll try not to let my real life consume me around Christmas so much. ;)
    Hey, uv! I'm finally getting around to our battle, and I'm thinking I'd rather wait for Kratos than get an e-ref, no matter how long it takes him to feel up to it, because Kratos is an awesome ref. Is that okay by you?
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