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  • neee yes! ok!! well I wish I had more equine characters atm cause I love how you draw 'em, but ahhh... can you draw either Sestet, Ryuk, or Caleb?

    and what should I draw??
    ✧ are both open but I have to restrict myself to relatively simple things because I'm supposed to be a university student or something

    hey uv do you want to do a quickie art trade :D
    I was literally /just/ sitting here wondering when I was gonna start getting birthday messages SEEMS LIKE THE ANSWER IS THREE HOURS AGO

    thank you c:
    Yeah, it's hard as hell. :v Somehow I've managed to beat the kid's dream and the singer's dream, after large amounts of profanity. (Olak and Garmuth are the worst things in the entire world. Pretty much any attack that isn't deflected turns the enemies invincible asdfesju.)

    I pretty much always use the Brusher's Pike as my primary, and either the musket or carbine for secondary. I'm growing pretty fond of the pistols and mortar lately, too!
    (also I want a pet squirt so much)
    I bought it on a Steam sale and after I finished it I felt bad about paying such a low price so I bought like three more copies for no reason.
    Also I really need to finish my all-idols run sometime
    That's really interesting. How do you even do that? (Totally non-sinister curiosity here!) Like, what programming language would you even start with to access the internet and click on things?

    In any case, I'll be waiting to see what it does next, and Music Dragon's corresponding witty remark.

    I didn't respond to the other PM I got about it because I had had a very screwed-up day which ended in a mild panic attack before bed.

    We're in the process of removing the "adoptables".
    well of course it would, the princess bride is suf awesome that we can quote the same thing from it in response to appropriate stimuli yada yada yada blah blah? ... the princess bridre is great. I need to reexperience and/or amuse with it more.

    (half as in you're halfway through the work toward the degree or ... you know what, that's the only reasonable I can think of so eh.)
    Just one of the mushrooms, sorry. You can take one shroom and the incense. I tried phrasing that sentence in a few ways and never could find one that could convey it right without needing another sentence to go with it. :T
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