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  • Huh, that's a tall order - not sure if I'm capable of creative genius on a Hussie level. And I'm not familiar with most musicals aside from Into the Woods either. x3

    Given what you're looking for is rather abstract, I would actually suggest trawling through some sites with name lists and meanings - if you can find one that sounds ordinary and means something cool, that would probably be your best bet.

    ...Yeah I'm kind of useless sorry :/
    Woah, really? Haha, I tend to go for mythology or slam consonants and vowels together in a totally unbiased (this is a lie) mix of letters, or trawl baby name sites repeatedly with ridiculously specific meanings that no one would name their child.

    ...That said, do you have a basic concept or theme? That would make trying to help you a bit easier. x3
    Someone who plays Avalon Code :0 I beat it a while ago, yeah, but I've never made any monster Invincible by accident yet! The best thing is Just Bread. It's just.. bread. 8D

    The best weapons are hammers and swords!
    I'm still thinking about it... but I am leaning against.

    But now that I've started working on my Mass Effect setup... sort of liking it. :3
    It needed to die. :P

    I've been sick so much and may need a break. ... I may ressurrect my avatar/sig with mass effect like my dragon age setup.
    ... Though I guess Negrek disagrees in this particular case (probably since the post in question wasn't that useful) and I'm okay with neg's verdict. But the point stands!
    Yep. So if it's something like WILL ASH EVOLVE HIS PIKACHU, that's not reliant on either recent happenings or a certain person still paying attention to the thread so it doesn't count as a bump.

    I kinda think the bumping rule is stupid because honestly it applies less often than not and the cases where it does apply are all spam. Like posting in something about a new pokémon being announced and people speculating on what zoroark will be like is spam, as is posting in someone else's ancient art thread (but not your own, because it's about you anyway). It's semantics, really, but it's mildly confusing semantics.
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