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Zora of Termina

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  • My sister was a clown for no particular reason.
    Her boyfriend dressed in an unconvincing-transvestite costume.

    If you say nothing you'll make Mike sad.

    And I just want to say that almost all of my GIANT WALLS OF TEXT in LJ RPs are things I start posts with. I'll usually have BLOCK OF TEXT when I post the starting post and every comment is three sentences at most. And ... one of the things about LJ RPs is that they're very rarely high in stuff other than dialogue. Very few people have the patience for it. It's a medium usually used for character-driven (plot exists a lot of the time but I can't think of a single one with things like "actually active mods who do a lot of ... modding") dialogue-centric RPs and ... that's what I like about it.

    Also setting up an LJ takes <5 minutes. Icons take a lot longer but no one cares if you don't have icons. I just think they're pretty :(

    If you're not interested, that's fine, and I'm sorry for bugging you, but hey. :3
    A car boot sale is basically a garage sale, except that there's a great big field where everybody takes their stuff. I sold a bunch of games that I didn't need or want anymore and made £14.
    It's be better to think about it after ArtMo, and see if that gets the art community going again first.
    I think that judging went into january, not the deadline for the entries, which I'm sure was Christmas. I'm also sure that there was at least three weeks to draw/enter it, which there isn't before haloween.

    Or maybe you're right and I'm just worried.
    You can't really make a rule against it, but I do agree with you. He's a little like Terry in some aspects, but he's less annoying all together.

    I'd agree with you on the Haloween contest, but it's just a bit too late to plan it out.
    I suppose so, but artists are getting a lack of comments. Without comments, artists feel as if nobody views or cares about their art anymore and they stop. At least, I did. One thing that irks me slightly is Twiggy for Victory's constant posts in Ymedron's thread and nobody elses. If he wants to be kind then he aught to shower the rest of us sometime.

    ArtMo aught to bring back loads of artists, but if not perhaps Kratos could launch a new contest or perhaps a contest to see who can draw/comment the most over a week or something.
    While spriting is fun and all, there has been an increase in the population of idiot spriters on tCoD. Drawing is much more fun, since you aren't confined to pixels.
    I wish that the major artists would come back, especially Dannichu.
    I don't think that many people get comments on art threads nowadays. Ah, I still remember a time where...
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