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Zora of Termina

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  • You're welcome :)
    *tries to decide whether to memorise that picture or hold it in front of him at all times like some sort of stalker*

    Yeah, it took me longer than I care to admit to do that because I decided to paste the letter THEN type in the brackets, and the arrow keys became mutinous and moved in the opposite direction to which I pressed, so I got ()ק over and over again.

    Then I put () and pasted ק in the middle, and all was well with the world.
    Yeah, the Hebrew alphabet goes right to left instead of left to right. Same with Arabic, and I believe Chinese and Japanese.

    Try copy+pasting our little friend Qof into a text area and try to put brackets round it or something, it goes MAD :3
    No, it's an asterism.

    It's "a rarely used symbol ... used [in typography] to call attention to a passage or to separate subchapters in a book".
    I dunno, some foreign alphabets look pretty awesome =D

    См., вот - Кириллица
    Και εδώ στην Ελλάδα
    और हिन्दी भूल नहीं.

    Nah, it shows more thoughtfulness and originality if I find my own kind of gift to distribute rather than using the same one as you. And there are probably more foreign letters than there are punctuation marks anyway xD

    You can use that Zhe in words such as "mirage" and "treasure". 8D
    Here's a Cyrillic letter Zhe to make you feel better.

    (Yep, I've found my own text-based gift genre. Sorry for threatening your punctuation monopoly =3)
    I know that =) I wasn't trying to drop hints or rush you or anything if that's how it came across, I was just saying it looks like it's going to be really good.

    (And hope you get well soon)
    Eh, same excuses I've got for Oddity really. Yeah I'm a hypocrite what of it D:
    I look forward to seeing more though ^^
    Made a change ^_^
    So what happened to the Zoracomic? D: (To be fair you could ask the same of Oddity but shhh)
    Hey, is it just me, or does your Ralts egg not link to anything? o.o *clicks it repeatedly to no avail*
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