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Zora of Termina

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  • I tried it, but I just remembered that I was working on an Atnura avvie a while back ago. Also, I <3 my current avvie too much at the moment. 3=

    It really is pretty though. It looks much better than the avvie I've been working on. XD I love the backgrooound~ I might use it later on sometime, if my Atnura avvie turns out to be epic fail, which it probably will.
    Hihi Zora! Your sprites are so pretty!!!!

    I wanted to know if you could make Fafneer a sprite for ASB. I don't want to use a regular one and I really liked Sheila. If you can, let me know and I'll send you description from my ASB profile stuff. =3 Even if not, very~very~very good job with Sheila ^^
    You know those little white flames she brings up when she wants to judge people? XD Um, she'll just create a whole dozen and send them at Sheila at the same time that she fires off an attack. They make little explosions on their own, so imagine twelve hitting at once, combined with the other attack. >:D
    Eh, kind of what I expected. Maybe I'll just go to a bunch of sprite shops and request the sprites. Yes, I'm going to cheat like never before. But I can't sprite worth crap, so...
    I can't stand it anymore. Please, I need some advice about spriting. 'Cause Xhan's scarf and stuff (And the fact that I can't just revamp older sprites and cheat like I would rather) makes it way too hard.

    Pleeease? *Puppy eyes*
    hm Mauville you say? do you intend on this Absol dying? there is a special creepy someone who will be present at the Mauville fights that I'm posting about in the lounge. tis the undfeated champ that Fafneer knows as Mom. X)

    she eats everyone she fights and never loses so I would like to get in depth with this event so neither of our events go wrong. i'm putting up the topic now so read it before youreply to this....
    what do you plan for Hoenn? if it is an event then you must confirm it with me by telling me what it is.
    Hmm.. For some reason even though I added you on MSN and on Yahoo... it doesn't show up D:
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