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Zora of Termina

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  • It does look cooler. <3

    Oh and go look at AS, in the Whatever Place, I think you'll see something you like. =3 (HINT: 8{)
    Hey... In Judgement Day, what's with the dead Delcatty? I'm trying to figureo ut how to write it in, but I have no idea on what might have happened.

    Since you're doing your Web Design classes, maybe you can help out while I put together the categories and what not. I don't like the buttons or the skin which I need to learn how to make in order to give each character their own personalized skin. ^^

    Would you like to assist ma'am?
    Good, I was just about to ask about that. I want to put all of the pics you're making in the gallery for avvy's to show them off. X3

    Hm....maybe I should give you early access to the forums....>.>
    Okies....I've got a job for you then.

    I'm obviously hiring more than one spriter to tend to things for my site and I've already considered hiring you so maybe I can get you started.

    For ASB, I want nine sprites per Pokemon.

    Normal sprite, sleeping sprite, paralyzed sprite, poisoned sprite, burned sprite, frozen sprite, victorious sprite, and KOed sprite.

    Since you volunteered to aid, you may choose which region of Pokemon you will do.


    *The Gufuu region is one I made up but it gets harder because you'd need to make sprites based off of drawings. These drawings are not fullly prepared but it's an option. I would just have to get on the ball with getting pictures ready.
    okies, thanks. i'm just so ticked off right now T_T

    yeah, i could use your help. ^^ um...what do you know how to do?
    Okie, the RP will be there but as the aftermath of their quest to end Poke'fights.

    We'll have been done with the whole RP when it is 100% ready.

    Design specifics? What do you mean by that? Like buttons or cursors?
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