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Zora of Termina

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  • It's OK. I'll see if any of my other online friends want to battle, now that my team's set up.

    Well, you've now got 2 minutes to figure it out! jk =P

    Heyy, maybe I can help you with it! Try unplugging the power cable of your wireless router, waiting a minute, and plugging it back in. Then wait a couple seconds for it to connect. That usually works for me.
    Great! Meet you there at the :25 of whatever time zone you are in. I need to arrange my team...
    Ah, I had a ton too, then I decided to sell like 200 of them xP

    And fine, I'll wait, though I'll be gone most of the weekend.
    OK, now's good. I don't have anything to do except dick around with Flash anyway. >> But of course, you are not able to battle with me ;)

    Hera (Gardevoir) Lv. 100
    Shock Wave
    Focus Blast (for Dark-types)
    Dream Eater (for Rest-users)

    These look good and since it's your main I know you probably don't want to change much. The only suggestion I would make is to replace Shock Wave with Hypnosis. There aren't that many rest-users, and if you come against one who isn't you are short a move. A sleep inducing move could help you replenish HP and KO the enemy faster, since Dream Eater is a bit stronger than Psychic.

    Rhythm (Infernape) Lv. 93
    Close Combat
    Strength (which needs to be changed)

    Ugh, return? Not the best move for him. He can learn Thunderbolt, right? Or shock wave. Also, I think it can learn Punishment with a Heart scale (level 33 in level up), that will help protect it against Psychic types.

    Mikau (Vaporeon) Lv. 73 and next on my list to train
    Ice Beam
    Hydro Pump
    Body Slam

    Good, but maybe replace Surf with Acid Armor, since you have 2 water moves. Or replace Hydro Pump if you'd rather. Aqua Ring and Bite are other options, but I think Acid Armor would be best.

    Cyndra (Typhlosion) Lv. 76

    Why doesn't it know Eruption? You should replace either Dig or Earthquake with Gyro Ball (heart scale) and think about changing Flamethrower to Eruption.

    Those are my regulars. The others are just ones that fill up places, and I need to transfer my other Pokemon from Pearl and train them before I come up with a set team.

    Me in bold. Those are some suggestions.
    Ah. Well, that's not exactly cheating...

    But I'm sorry, maybe when one of them dies =P Or however it switches to another person.

    In that case, show me your moveset when you have time and I'll take a look!
    I meant which gym. Yeah, I'll be in Crystal too- I don't particularly see the point in IV raising pokemon. Makes the game too boring >.<

    I might be able to help you with your moveset. Or better yet, post something in the Competitive Battling Forum.
    Which one was that? *Wants to be prepared* And what pokemon were used?
    Oh, OK then. I can wait ^^ I just got accepted into the TCoD Wi-fi league, so I'm going to try to battle some people in there.
    Alright =)
    I'm going to go and sort out the affiliation link now. See your thread for my comments =D
    Awesome, I'll go check it out now :3
    And sure, I'll affiliate it with Oddity, that's no problem ^w^
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