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Zora of Termina

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  • I'm glad she approves. And I'll be prodding FMC to post for Izumi.

    Hmm...it's looking good so far...at tad creepy, but good. I want to see it when it's done, it looks promising.
    Maybe, maybe not. I like drawing so...it may become another comic. At some point.

    Anywho, what did you think of the latest thing Halan did in the RP?
    I'll will...at some point.

    I also have this other furry world that concerns another Pokemon Character of mine and FMC's. I have this Houndoom guy named Diego, and she has this Flareon named Ingrid. We did alot of messing around and we slowly inserted the RSP members in ways. So far, Ingrid's dad is Edward. He married a Umbreon named Rinna, who is Halan's Little sister. Halan in married to Bas, and they have four kids. Three are arcanines and girls, the fourth is a riolu boy.

    Oh. And Ed has seven kids in all.

    We first encounter Edward when Diego picks Ingrid up for school.
    We first encounter Halan when his son goes to Diego's foster home to drop off something the Diego's foster Dad Maes. Maes and Halan's dad, Shotoshu, as well as Ed's grampa (whom he was named after) were all friends back in the day. So there is alot of interlinking in this....

    We are yet to add anyone else....All I can recall is that Halan named his boy after his energtic nephew that is traveling.
    *chuckle* It's gotten to the point where I want to do a comic of this Furry verse...but I'm lazy and lose motivation until I talk about it.
    I'm serious. We do this whole Furry world thing. They are at high school and Halan is a jock with a heart of gold, while Edward is a emo kid. They knew each other when they were kids and hung out until Halan became a jock and couldn't hang out as much as they used too.

    We go through Ed getting attacked by the other jocks, the Halan swoops in, taken them down (One being a Raiperior) and hauls Ed's ass out of there...then it leads to...slash.

    Yeah...we're weird.
    She's usually at my house for weekends. But it is at times...until we drive each other crazy. Us crazy leads to Halan and Edward slash.
    Nothing much. I'm sleeping for at FMC's, so I won't be on MSN until I get home...at some point over the weekend.
    Okay, I'm guessing the conversation was a bit odd, seeing as how no one probably had any sort of idea what they were talking about.
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