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  • And that'll leave me with three characters! Much more managable! I'll go to post something right now... and then Deoxys shall begin the poisoning of Mourmedy's mind. Ahahaha, I'm glad you like my plan~

    Which three other series? I might've heard of them. Innocent characters are fun to write though... hmm, maybe I should do more of those more often... for the Chimera RP, I should try an innocent character... so totally naive! ;;Thinks about joining, peruses other RPs;; I like innocent characters, even if they aren't epic! They're so simple... that's why I like Charcill, she's simple and rather innocent.

    It's hard to put things into words. Just keep trying, it'll happen eventually. I always have trouble writing down all my weird Arylettopian Ideas. Just don't overthink it. Let it flow. Let her personality flow out of you. Don't think, just do. That's how I write things. I barely plan anything out! And some of my most brilliant ideas have come to me when I wasn't thinking about anything at all. I don't know, maybe I'm still not being helpful.
    Aaah, maybe I should try it out~! And ooh, it would be good if you took over as Deoxys... And I'll think up some way to get rid of Atnura... in fact, I have a plan already. (Have Deoxys control Mourmedy and kill Atnura as a sacrifice or something of Pokémon. Deoxys will further Mourmedy's goal and make her want to kill off all the Pokémon on the planet)

    Aaah. He still hasn't been in his dorm. Arylett's going to be Bitchylett now, to poor Ashley. X3 Oh I loooove playing Bitchylett~

    Oh wow, it sounds like a lot. Epic, cynical, and noo, no longer awesome. D= Just keep trying! Eventually... you'll get somewhere! I start off my stories with little enthuasiasm, but once I get to the right part, to the part that "clicks", I write like crazy! I guess I'm being sort of unhelpful though... ;;Unhelpful Arylett is unhelpful;;
    Chimera Project... how is that one? Hmm... I should check out some new ones. I'm a bit bored of the RSP, to be honest. But I'm not leaving it, I'll try to make things more interesting! (And I know, Halan getting shot is pretty interesting, but I have the attention span of a 5 year old when it comes to characters that aren't mine. Oh god, I'm terrible. DX) And DotP is more like I'm a bit lazy and overwhelmed with the characters. The only one that I'm not bored of is Stone Tablet. Because of the dance and Arylett's room mate, who she hates by the way. X3

    Naaah, it isn't! If anything, my writing has been really suckish lately.
    Awww poor Question Mark. D= Are you all right? I know the feeling! You write something awesome but you just can't follow up. But don't worry, I'll go post in it. Your hints have been taken.

    Sounds's Specimens? I've been looking for some new RPs, I've become bored of my old ones. I feel almost the same... do you feel like you're in an RP Funk? Because that's what I feel like. ;;Hugs;; Aww poor Holy Punctuation Mark...
    Heh, it actually is quite flattering to know that someone could think so highly about my meager RP skills. In actuality, I don't really think my writing in roleplays is my best; I have a tendency to rush myself as a result of everyone else being able to post much more quickly than I am. And frankly, even then I think it would pale in comparison to that of people like Light Mightyena and Kusari. (Seriously, did you see his latest post? It's a blob of text!)

    So anyway, on to business. It is a rather promising idea; I had been considering such an notion myself, really. I was going to put in vague and overly generous formalities when Evan was talking to people - stuff like "dear", "my sweet", and maybe throw in an exceedingly British "poppet" for good measure - in reference to his rich background. So yeah, that'll be fun. XD
    Epic Fight! Oooooh! ;;VERY interested;; Ahahahahahaaha! Dance equals awesomenocity!

    Oh my God, NO WAY. X3 If I had to go to that dance... ;;Shudders;; Arylett would be all awkward and nervous. It's going to be so funny~ She'd probably be like: "Ummm what?" if someone asked her to be their "date."

    And yes, he is ingenius for thinking such wonderous character torture. Ahahahaha, Tala trying to kill someone.
    I think I'll go Stone Tablet first. Dreams of the Past will take longer and I'd like to get a warm-up. X3 If that makes sense~

    ;;Goes to post there;;

    Oh, by the way... ahahahaha... I feel sorry for the unlucky soul who must be Tala's date. This dance. Is. Awesomenocity. Arylett's going to hate it. XD
    ;;Goes into Aaah, Arylett Is Guilty Mode. Inevitable Sin's Reign was overidden!;;

    Which RP do you want me to post in first, O' Mighty Question Mark?
    Don't hope! It is~ It is very true, my dear! You are talented.

    Okay so I'm not Arijeta. X3

    And yes, yes, I'm going! ;;Kicks Lazylett butt into gear;; Come on, get up and go write something you lazy thing! Oooh, that Inevitable Sin is just having so much fun tormenting Arylett. D=
    ;;Poked;; My apologies, Your Divine Questioness! Your High Priestess is commiting the Inevitable Sin again. Oh dear, she's so lazy.

    X3 I'm awesome? Well thank you! Arijeta, oh wow, it's SO close. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not... ;;Spooky music plays;; B'aww Stormy, enough. X3 My Arylettego is being overinflated. Thank you, thank you~! But you're awesome too, you know! Your writing skills are absolute excellence.
    What if Arjetta was my real name? X3 Aaawww, I failed several quizzes too from sleep deprivation. It isn't nice, being half asleep.

    It would be epic fun. Awesomenocity fun. Arylett? Well, I think she'd go completely insane, yelling and screaming and totally unleashing repressed rage. It'll be the most dramatic thing ever! Oh wow, that would be the best fight ever.
    Tala AND Mourmedy, oooh! I love angry, bitter people. X3 Don't worry, I don't think you'll ever see that side of me. It only happens in extreme situations. I would never explode on you, don't worry~ But Tala, oooh, she might push Arylett's buttons. Maybe. It's not likely, but it depends! Especially if she's sleep-deprived. A fight between Tala and Arylett would be so awesomenocity. X3 I love your poor demented character. Ahahahaha.

    There's a girl named Arjetta? X3 I can imagine how you'd get confused. Oooh, I'm in your math class Stormy. ;;Amused;;
    Arylett has a very, very, very nasty temper. I think, when pissed off, she'd probably be 4 times worse than Tala. If you push some certain buttons, oh watch out, because hell will be upon you. Most of the time, she keeps it quiet and is good at containing it. But if you push her past patience, oh then you shall see truly how messed up she is. She's got some other problems too.

    That would be awesomenocity! If someone had a crush on Tala. X3 And it'd be even funnier if someone had a crush on Arylett, because she'd be all confused and awkward and not know what to do.

    I love all of my characters too, but I find Arylett one of the most fun to RP. And Mourmedy! Mourmedy's VERY fun.
    Oh wow... Tala start a conversation? X3 I don't know... but I can kind of see that! She can be all like: "Why were you following me around, you weirdo?" Or something like that. Tala is pretty messed up, but she's still awesomenocity. The best characters are the most messed up! Arylett's pretty messed up herself, mind. You'll see that later in the RP, maybe.

    Yay indeed for being active! The Inevitable Sin, a sin that plagues us all. Even divine beings like the Question Mark!
    Tolerating her. Ahahahahaha. Yeah, Arylett doesn't really talk much. And Tala seems very annoyed in general by socializing. So I suppose she'll be able to tolerate her. And if she scowls and looks very, very annoyed, eventually Arylett will scowl back. Or look confused. Either one.

    The Inevitable Sin! That's what I shall call it! Aaah, okay, I'll have him do that~ Right now, I've got to post in Legend of the Stone Tablet, but after that, I'll go post in DotP.
    Well, Arylett is like that. X3 I found it absolutely hilarious that Clueless Arylett was following an angry girl running through the forest, blundering about. I'm glad my reasoning amuses you. X3 I like the way Arylett and Tala are going, they shall be two characters with a very odd relationship.

    ;;Gasps;; ...Oh... wow... Question Mark... how... how can this be?
    They are! Ahahaha and I love the way she's just so paranoid that everyone's watching and following her. That's the best part!

    Poor Arylett just has no idea what is going on. As usual. X3 Since nobody seems to be explaining what to do to her, I'll just have to have a random student do it.

    ;;Gasps;; No... way... I can't believe that you, the Almighty Question Mark, get lazy! That's... that's sheer impossibility!
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