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  • OK, another stupid question.
    You all plan to end this feuding of the Pixies in Sinnoh, right?
    I need to know because I'm finally near the end of writing this damn thing and there's a particular scene and so yeah.

    EDIT: Actually, never mind. I decided to not mention Sinnoh specifically after all. But I'd still like to know. >>
    I'm in the middle of writing that battle scene, and I don't know how to end the fight so that they both wind up unconscious and I can end the fic itself the way I had planned. ><

    Is there anything Baz can do that I should know about that might cause say, an explosion, if it were to collide with another attack?
    *poke* Hey, I have a question. I was wondering if maybe...I could add you to my MSN so we could chat more often.
    happy ur back Basaina! oh-and well my post loaded while you guys were posting so you might have to adjust your second attack on Atty cuz' Faf got you by the ear and took you to the PC ^^; he's trying to save Halan and knows she likes him so....yeah =D
    I think I was half-wrong... unless Basaina's not done with the judgement yet... I knew she would torch someone, but the black-and-white made me think it would be Blade.
    Okay thanks. Yeh I wasn't sure if she was or not so I was...kind of waiting on another post from you to clear that up, but I'll go post now.
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