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  • If you've ever been to a gym, you would usually see people doing some sort of choreography. That's a part of aerobics. You will be sore but in the end it's all worth it.

    ...Um, yeah, I'm not in the mood to elaborate on my fetish for math problems right now....

    ...And I guess that's everything I can really respond to at the moment. But yeah, we really ought to talk more often. However... I'm becoming disinterested in logging onto these forums anymore. The forums are getting... boring. The only reason I continue to log on is to reply to your messages whenever I am able to do so (plus my friend Blazie's messages). Honestly, I prefer chatting with you through IM's such as MSN or Yahoo (I have MSN by the way). Having to wait for a response here is rather tedious considering these forums have a database error every once in a while and it loads so slowly. Nowadays I'm mostly spending my free time goofing off at DeviantArt with a little group of friends I've joined (they also have a chat feature there). =) If you wanna come speak with me and expect a faster reply, I'm over at DA instead.
    They put me ahead during the school year. I'm not this smart, I swear, I just do exceptionaly well on comprehension tests. They said that due to me acing it they would put me ahead a grade level in a couple of classes, namely English and Science. At least, after they made sure I wasn't cheating. I get why they would be checking around for that, but it still agitated me that they would acuse me of something so crass.
    Everything else is still seventh. The school says I'll be held back anyways because I missed so many days of school in the hospital. It should all balance out. I'll just do again what I'm doing now. X3

    Um, your welcome? It's just polite to respond to anothers call. I didn't think it would matter much. ^^;;
    Y-You're in eighth grade now? My goodness, skip another grade, Nottie? I'm in eight grade. Now I want to take that test and show my knowladge <_< I know it sounds stupid, but that's seriously irritating to me.

    I was reading through our old conversation. Wow, thanks for even looking in my direction.
    Probably. It's extremely violent, expesialy near the end when Odyseus kills all of his wifes suitors, and it has some pretty mature themes (But in my heart I never gave consent... Yeah right.). I'm in eighth grade, but the teacher tends to assign me tougher work than the other kids. While everybody else is reading tiny snippets of Poe (amazing), and writing their own creative stories I'm over here (in spirit) in a corner with a textbook flipping through it for small chunks of the Oddysey to read and analize. Ever since I scored perfectly on that high school level english test the teacher has been all over me, it's weird. I don't mind it though, the Oddysey is fun. :>
    Then again, untill now I've been doing everything over my cousens laptop, so that may change. Now I finally get to go to school again. I'm so happy!

    No link. Search it on youtube and watch it from beggining to end. The music is insanely catchy, just warning you. It was written by Joss Whedon so... Expect his style. If you know who he is anyways. Neil Patrick Harris plays Dr. Horrible and SINGS. This should be enough reason for you to check it out. X3
    Hell no. Nonononononononononono.

    .... I.. Don't know how to respond to that.

    My english class finished up the Oddysey. I drew and super shaded a picture of Scylla.
    I feel the need to mention that the Oddysey is epic. Not in the slang sense of the word, but the real meaning. It's epic. And it is an epic so.. *shrugs with a scoff*

    Did I mention that I finnaly got around to watching Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog? Bwaa, it was much better than I expected, though I wasn't expecting very much.
    No. No more drama, thank God. The past couple of weeks have been awful and scary. I'm glad they're over.
    And I'm feeling alright, thank you for asking.
    oh...i think theyre going a little overboard with all these new pokemon and stuff, and every new pokemon they make is so ugly
    Ah, thank you! I got an essay done! Haha, it had a bit of plagairism, copied an article from google and changed some adjectives!

    I'll set up our challenge. Don't get recruited. ^.^
    Secretly. On 11 PM.

    P.S. My parents would never ground me from reading.

    The reason: for them, being grounded from reading is like being put in a torture hole.
    Hezzo zel. You've been in ASB longer than me, could you giveth me a handeth? I tried to put the sprites in my profile using the standard stuff,  aron [/sprite*] and it didn't work....Do I need to capitalize something? 

...BTW do you want to do an ASB battle? I've been in a stupid mood lately and I could use that stupidity to create a wierd arena! BLAGONAGRHIP!

    Yeah, I know what writing a few essay's is like. I've got like, three I need to do. *Procrastination* A fedora? Interesting.....I'm bored too. Eh.....Maybe I will.....Oh what the heck. It's just a plain boring Monday.
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