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  • Neat. That's kinda cool how you get to choose your classes in college, instead of having to take like one class of each kind or something, y'know...?
    Oh hey update~~
    Fighter, Ninja, Defender, Bard, Sky Pirate, Dancer, Arcanist, Scholar, Dragoon, Fusilier, Assassin, Theif (to get ninja to get dual weild and do stuff with that), Ravager, Master Monk, Paladin, Moogle Knight, Parivir, Spellblade, Seer, Fencer (to be elementalist) :o
    (luso)Parivir, (adelle)Ninja, Hunter, Sniper, Fusilier, Arcanist, Paladin, Elementalist, Mog Knight
    Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever see Fluffly on the forums again. Too many people, especially old members, tend to dislike him to a certain degree, that he'd rather just not deal with it. Sucks, but...meh. I just wish I was around more when TCOD first moved to vB instead of just visiting it every now and then.
    XD Man, I barely know where to start...
    *scratches head* Ummm... er. I remember the last one was the one about biscuits, and the first one was probably oboist's shoes (since that was the most common assumption). And I remember making little pictures for all of them... so maybe they might help in the descriptions. I hope they're not just numbered or anything...
    Truth is, TCOD hasn't been the same for me since it left InvisionFree. Everyone is so different here, including the people I used to know. People change, and I just never expected to see it at such drastic measures. So, in a sense, we're kind of in the same boat, both dealing with a forum that doesn't feel like "ours" anymore.
    I love you Mudkip. *Erika hug* We all have our ups and downs, things will lighten up eventually. Okay? <3
    So I heard someone leiks you (reference to 4chan meme, duh). You should join the mudkips social group.
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