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  • She's a goddess that lady :DDD It's mostly likely about 6- 8 months. Couple months to run in the theaters. Another few months to die down. Then finally a month or so to come out on DVD.
    t5hbdfybnxc7n bjubny5v gfjujubswvbyu76677776745rf mki.po/;/,mubvdevhy76gtggggggjmsagfkl;,.'

    Fo cuosre.

    Keira Knightley is hot but Scarlett Johannson is ugly with blonde hair D:

    But Jennifer Love Hewitt is like AMAZING :DDDDDD

    Definitely. I'm waiting for the Iron Man 2 DVD which will probably come out in like... 6 months :P
    Nah. You spelled it right. You spelled "display" wrong. BUT SHES SO AMAZING SCARLETT JOHANNSON. :DDDD I saw her change in Iron Man 2. And so did 50 other fanboys/nerds/fangirls. :DDDDDDDDD

    Me lurve her :DDD
    Dude. I killed Yuna's avatar. I took her down. D: But Scarlett Johannson takes her place :DDD Ever since I saw Iron Man 2, I've been obsessed with her. :DDDDDD
    Just for the record, blazhy is high-class, but people like Verne, Furret, Jessie, Butterfree, and other veterans are more... VIP.
    I'm sure you can do some things well. I'd actually prefer to be decent at everything than really good at one thing and crap at basically everything else (which is kind of what I'm like at the moment).

    Actually, it feels mostly weird. :P

    Technically I think only Turbo belongs in the "gtfo" class since he gets banned regardless of how many times he tries to join, but it can't hurt bumping down a few more irritating people there, huh? :P

    I'd love to watch more YouTube videos of competitive battling, but the only person I know who's good is Marriland, and I think he's stopped uploading competitive videos. Any suggestions?

    Yup. It's got great offenses, but its speed really hampers it. But if you BP some speed boosts to it, perhaps some Nasty Plots as well, it becomes a killer. It's got excellent coverage and decent defenses, as well.

    Sorry, my brains never existed in the first place. D: They're awfully hard to find these days, aren't they?

    I'd probably die if I had to manage on that much sleep D: On weekends I sleep until 11 or so, but the night before weekends I usually go to sleep later xD; So it's counterbalanced.
    Yeah, my point exactly. :P

    Neither have I. I have hacked some things before, but they're always within legal limits. Like, instead of hacking a Darkrai to use, I hacked the event for the inn key or whatever item you need. xD

    Alrighty, have a good trip. :D I'll go DQ X-Scissor now. Sorry I forgot to do it yesterday, I got caught up on something I totally didn't expect.
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