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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Oh, pet rock potatoes! They are so much better than the red potatoes we grow here in Idaho!

    Yes, the plant + brick = happy combination IS quite delightful! Oh, I too stack bricks around my room and such, why even my PILLOW is a brick!

    Bananastone... brilliance. :O But what about FRUITCOCKTAILSTONE?!?! Yees! It really does exist, and it is fabulous. Now at Russia's fifty-second grocery outlet. *Shot*

    Oh, just shows the power of typos. D: But orurooneal still sells better!
    I didn't mean in a literal sense.
    I'm an alive supremacist, you see, and don't think dead people have the right to read things.
    A visionary of the seventy-thousand-four colors! How delightful! *Salutes* Together, we shall crush pedestrians with our... PET ROCK...LOBSTERS!

    Ah, another brick lover! You know, I have made ALL the pots my plants are currently in out of bricks! WHAT?!?! I don't look at the plants! I look at the bricks! D: The plants are there so I can buy more bricks, because bricks are awesome! That...vivid solidness...perfect form... excellent color... I prefer the Red Limestone Bricks myself, though some prefer the Red Lemonstone or even Red Mangostone!

    I don't think I got it?! *Panicks* Um...UM...UM UM UM UM... *Slits arteries on both sides of neck* Ahh, much better. *Dies* *Comes back to life* UM UM UM... UM I THINK I GOTS IT ALLS OUTS!

    But slurblureen is so horrible planned! Orurooneal is well thought out, and has had better profits, especially in the year 5578!
    Meh. I'm a lyricist not a singer. Also, I'm a Deity! :D That also reminds me of the backmask of Clint Eastwood by the gorillaz.

    Also, That could be taken so many ways... xD The ball part I mean.

    (my catapillar may or may not be covered in green sequins)

    *rushes off to find that post*

    Oh, And I could be the worse lipsyncer in the world but it wouldn't matter. Why? Because n oone is going to be looking at my mouth when I have 6 arms.
    "I'd never have the balls."

    97% chance this is ending up in my sig. And all i'm singing seriously is the AEIOU thing for the catapillar. Which was pre-recorded so its all good :3
    Its mostly a dance recital. But yes it does have one instance of horrible singing and one instance of fairly good singing. Both on my part. Also does have quite a bit of acting.

    How about this. If the DVD can be ripped I'll give you a copy. Ok?
    Have been for ages. I'm actually playing the March Hare and the Catapillar.

    Oh and its not really a musical.. Since the only singing is me and the hatter singing Unbirthday very badly for an agonizing 7 seconds. :p
    Oh. Did I mention that the theme of our recital is Alice in Wonderland? That dance is titled "Going Mad". At the beginning of the hatter's tea party.
    I might have a vid somewhere of it. if not i'll have mum record it tomorrow at spacing rehearsal. Do you know Ramalama (Bang Bang) By Roisen Murphy?
    Oh, SEVEN THOUSAND! My, they have no real variety at all! We all know that us class people see the world in seven-thousand-four colours, and we spell "colour" with a "u"! They are so drab, looking at a brick would be more exciting, don't you agree? :O

    But...but I'm 1/16 Irish! D: *Donates all Irish blood to blood bank* Nasty leetle leprachauns! I shalt squish them for selling markers of a sophisticated color to Russia rather then Czechoslovakia! *Something violent involving leprachauns happens*

    But orurooneal is so pleseant! Like a wave of awe-inspiring futuristic technology, powering a cozy, narural alliance with the fibers of your SOUL! It easily stomps scurblureen flat!

    ... ;~; What do I have to live for now? Arylett, is there any way you could transfer your doctrates in Wankery to me?

    Well, am I ever glad that I didn't have to do that last step! My assistent here did it for me. *pats a small pile of soot fondly*
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