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  • So it looks like we're probably gonna be battling here soon, eh? YER GOING DOWN... maybe.

    We should have a practice match sometime. :3
    Honestly, I don't know how to spell it either, but I know that it doesn't have a G in it. And I don't know whether I can call myself a "fan," since I've only heard My Immortal and Bring Me To Life (the first couple minutes of it), but the former has been one of my favorite songs for a while.
    I just realized that one of my favorite songs is in your signature. :D -grateful smile while glancing at user title-
    (sorry for the late-ish reply, I had to go somewhere)

    It'll all be okay :3 If you need someone to talk to, I'm right here for you :3 I'll always listen. No guarantee that I'll have any helpful advice, but feel free to spout off at me :3

    Just remember that there'll always be someone there for you, if you're willing to look. If you have depression, it's better to try to get better. I hope you do. *hugs*
    Ah. I saw your post in the Odd Facts thread and it looked like you could use a bit of cheer... so yeah.
    Not too busy lately, so I'm already down to your request. Little problem with it. I CAN'T DRAW ESPEON!!!! *Cries in a corner*

    But seriously, you may have to wait a while, because I just need to get a few random Espeon drawings done to practice. Expect it to be done sometime in the next week! Just letting you know.
    And also: I missed your birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, like, right now! :D
    New GMH story:

    I was feeling down, almost to the point of running away or even suicide. Then I logged on to a forum and one of my friends had posted a link for GMH. I realized I wasn't the only one feeling like this.

    My friends GMH.
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