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Crazy Linoone
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  • Actually, I've beaten Kratos~ I could've beaten her again if I remembered that there are conditionals for if Ventus had woken up... Stupid mistake on my part, haha. Against FMC they were both really close, but there wasn't much hax; against Jack, I had my Snorunt up against a Vulpix, and against Alraunne, I thought that combo attack would've knocked out her Pachirisu, but it didn't, and I was just a sitting duck for the rest of the round.

    No problem~ You have never have too many Porygons!
    And thanks for the Magikarp and Bronzor :3 *goes off to shop for soy sauce, onion, ginger, and whatever else you use to steam a fish Chinese style*
    ...Linoonie you be trollin'
    did- did you really gift a Magikarp to yourself?

    has anyone told you lately how amazing you are?
    Uhm. I've lost twice against FMC, once against Kratos, once against Jack_the_Pumpkinking (or wherever you put the underscores), once against Kam and Typh, and uh... right, once against Alraunne. All of them were really close, iirc, except for Kam and Typh, but that was because Green was my partner and he screwed me over :U
    What if they're Pokemon in another League? We aren't alone Linooneh. assumig only our standards count isnt right.
    Technically what you're doing isn't random either. Yo're being specific. You're taking Pokemon, not Digimon, not Bakugan, not Beyblades.
    I don't like my nearly 50-50 win-loss ratio. :C I've considered restarting my account but I sure don't want to rake together that $1000 and raise my Pokemon all over again.
    Merry Christmas!

    I have a new MSN, so I added you :p hope you don't mind. I also opened up a new RP... did you have a chance to take a look at it?
    No, I'm going to watch Spongebob all day

    ...um also I kinda sorta somehow forgot to buy your Christmas presents D: I am really really really really really really really really sorry and will buy you up to three anythings of your choice to be sent via Black Market to make up for it :'c
    ... I FORGOT ABOUT UA'S EXISTENCE OTL;; Damn, and she needed to be evolved too aaaaaaa

    I actually adopted the epic-combo-when-you're-about-to-die strategy from you after Zigzag knocked out Tuari. xP It's quite fun and very effective.

    Oh and Merry Christmas~~~
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