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  • Speaking of taking a long time to find a pokémon, one of my friends found a shiny Magikarp before finding a Feebas.

    Well, if the image can be recognized animations are incredibly easy to add in a program, but harder to keep in an image.
    Where'd you get a komatana?

    ok then.

    *quite. I'm completely different at school. For ex, if you were a girl in my class, we'd probably barely now each other.*

    It's always nice to be smart. (Yep. the only other number that do that are 27, and I think...896 or something. and it keeps getting bigger from there.)

    well, if you don't want to, and you don't need to, then don't join it. simple as that.

    He also handles lawsuits about coffee at mcdonalds.

    *Quite.* (wait...what?)

    well, tell me if he gets better. I hate it when people get sick. Especially me.

    ((but it's not nice.) and limes are tangy, and oranges are sweet. you point?)


    sorry. It's just I thought I could tell someone, but then realized that the whole subject is a bit embarassing, and I didn't want to offend you or anything.
    I can't follow thr link. -_-


    *sort of... ouch*

    (yep. like that.) A number thats factors add up to itself. For ex, six. (1+2+3=6)

    so, why do you have to join either?

    probably advising F.O.B. about song titles.

    *Yep. Oh, and the person who says "Youngster? That's rude. Call me Shorts Boy!"* (So, why should Blade fell sorry for you? Or does silver want something...)

    Do you think he'll get better?

    (yep. (Silver, you're being mean to the fishies. that's not nice.) Ok then. I think that they're perfectly normal citrus fruit, but whatever.)


    ....... Actually I'm not comfortable talking about it at all. Best if you forget I even said anything. Nope, you won't hear a word from me.
    You might as well tell me.

    You have NO idea.

    *Well, you don't know me, per se. and yeah. I'm awesome like that.*

    (As you learn stuff, it gets easier.) and.. um...! Perfect numbers!

    Isn't B-team easier than A-team?

    Well, it didn't. it canceled ot the effect.

    *quite.* (so why should Blade feel sorry for Silver?)

    Has he been out of school at all?

    (N-nothing....(they can if they want to.) what's so funny about lemons?)


    that is of an embarassing matter to me and i won't name anythreads or confirm any questions by VM. If you must know, PM me instead.

    when does it start?

    ((accept me in your rp))
    Well, if you think about it, 10 hours isn't that much on a Pokémon game. ^^

    The hardest part of programming is understanding the concepts. :P From there to make good programs you have to be creative. :o
    Really? If you train on Mt. Silver it only takes like 8-10 hours to get a level 100. Then again I do use Lucky Eggs to train.

    Only difficulty was coming up with the method to do so. :P
    Oh, lol, Heart Gold I restarted, I have plenty of level 100s on Soul Silver, ^^

    Indeed, :O, though it's best organized by line breaks (when typing hitting the enter key=line break)

    This version only knocks you down 1 level at a time if you lose.
    Rofl, the Feraligatr is slowest training on there, so I used it on a ton of trainers. It's level 68 currently and I have to redo the EVs. x3

    Good programming. :3 Instead of reading and inputting an entire text file, I figured out how to only display chunks of the text file in the program.

    By the way, after using google, I found this.
    ...the pieis a fake, the pie is a fake...

    ::::::::? (no I don't. Respect The Blade has an AWESOME name.)


    I think it was some guy who worked with genetics.

    Chin to heel.

    But it was maniacal.
    ...it's made of apples, it's made of apples...

    :::::? (...your point?)


    Yes, I knew that merchant looked shifty.


    My brother did that to the extreme. By endgame, he had a level 95 typhlosion, and the rest no higher than 25.

    *Why would I? I'm just the man on the balcony, singing "nobody will ever remember me...".*

    (yesh (well, algebra isn't much harder. so, there's good news for you there.)) and um... Exponents?

    Well, why not tell her why you can't (other than her being annoying, of course.)

    *eats chocolate and stops poofing.* Thanks.

    *In one of the pokemon games, when you talk to a kid in a pikach costume, he says: "Look at the way I'm dressed. Can't you tell I'm hardcore?"* (What did silver do wrong?)

    Oh. It's probably not cystic fibrosis, then. I wonder what it could be. Hopefully he'll be alright.

    (hopefully...(yep, underwater birds. Haven't you heard of flying fish?) By the way: E.V.I.L.: Every Villian Is Lemons.)


    um... no reason. just browsing around a few threads and I found something questionable, that's all.

    How about friends at first, but then together after a major point in the RP?
    ...eat the pie instead, eat the pie instead...

    :::? (Tell blade that I do know how hard it is to raise a team of six equally. I do that in every pokemon game I have.)


    FLEE! *Flees*

    7 ate 9

    Since when?
    well, yeah. And it's better than just raising one.

    *I'm not imply anything. really.*

    (oh. Well, you're lucky. (are you in algebra or pre-algebra?)) That's always good.

    Oh. Well, if the teacer's that bad, I suppose it's a good idea.

    You *poof* have no id-*poof*ea how annoy-*poof* irrit-*poof* DOWNRIGHT OBNOXIOUS this *poof* is. *poof*

    *I kno, right? hilarious.* (Yep. awesome. :D)

    Has he always had the disease?

    (another way to say yes. (I wasn't talking to you.) (maybe not the ones that you know of.) Ebil indeed.)


    oh yeah. You haven't been doing anything to him, right?

    Fixed. Also, relationship y/n?
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