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  • No that way you must catch them but *throws rock into face*

    And you spelled it right, I read it wrong.
    You changed the name. Anyway, are you on Pesterchum? If so, my name is aquaMarina. And it seems like you are, since doubleMobilizer sounds Pesterchummy...
    ̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰I just found something magical, o.o
    These little squiggles.
    Good. Have another Cookie *hits in face with cookie*

    Tell me why I read that as MOST DEFIANTLY, besides my dyslexia
    Just checking, but do you really want to know? If you get this info, you can't ever tiebreak or anything.

    Also, my friend's snivy is a male. :(
    Yeah... nowhere near to getting a ditto. But he did say he'll breed one for me if it's female, though! He kinda forgot its gender for some reason. :) Because they're all proud and stuff... I found him in the story. It's ridiculous.

    :( That sounds terrible. I hope it lasts for a while.

    ...Sure. It couldn't hurt, right?
    Oh, you did? :D I just wish I could get a snivy, it would be perfect for Karkat, and I think I'll make Gamzee oshawott and I'll catch an unown bird thing and make it Sollux... but what could that free-ish zorua that enekoiru's offering be?

    No, she just lost it. That would be just stupidly cruel to hide it. :( Speaking of Gatorade, that kinda happened to me once... my brother squirted it with a water gun. It was okay for a while, but it messed up the colors of the top screen. I think later it died of not being able to charge for some reason. :/

    Mehbe. I guess it might not matter if I told you, since you're dead and all... but not over VM.

    EDIT: What would be the best name for a male Zorua? Not entirely sure, but what about Equius?

    That sounds terrible. D: I had a warranty for my DS, but it actually got lost. :/ I wonder where my mom put it... but yeah, mostly warranties don't cover physical damage, unless you pay for them.

    Writing flavor text for ice cream mafia! Sorry, but you probably won't like what happens.
    Hmm... Yup. I like this new style much more than before! :D
    (Oh, by the way, it's me, VASkorupi1997)
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