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  • Gonna teach a couple moves to defeat the ghost girl... The only supereffective move i have is crunch!
    Oh wow .-. I have a serperior, panpour, eelektrik, golurk, rufflet, and a mienfoo
    Hey I found it ( linkify later)!

    The page number is:


    Now that I look at it, it's not as adorable as I remembered.

    EDIT: Linkify!
    Totally serious. I just hope I don't have to entirely piece together a new log. The computer that had it has refused to charge and there was a problem with the hard drive and it was a terrible laptop to start with and urgh. I just hope we get a new one soon.

    Yeah. :) *I guessed right?* I'll have to find that panel soon. It was really, really awesome, and just about right after she was introduced.
    It is. I was sad you had to die. :( Did I tell you that exactly half of the night actions that were sent in targetted you? :/

    For today at least~!* Is that the one where she's all like ':D OMG SQUEEE~ ^.^'?* The only face I can remember is when the command is something like, "Great. Now forget about the fauna and never speak of it again." and Jade's all like, "I COULD NEVERR DO THAT :( THEY'RE SO AWESOME!" at the beginning of the story. :)
    Did you read the story of your death?

    Or is it Cloudy? :) I'm glad he gets these weekend breaks.
    Especially not by me. I rarely forget. I shall await him with a plate of food!

    (It's not that ironic. Just hilarious)

    It's okay, The pokemon you listed for me were:


    I wish you luck.
    But he's going to be on about 3 more times before he comes back. Still a long time though. But 3! Compared to None!

    (I change mine to various things about water. It comes standard with being an Aquarius named River.)

    The form you PM'd me seemed a little... Lacking to be honest. Blade still hasn't sent his across yet but it comes with large portions of homework.
    lol. Nah, get Blade to do it. Or Cloudy, if he cares.

    In all honesty, this stuff is actually hilarious to watch.

    (I suppose so.)
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