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    *They can't use both so they die*

    It's a website that tells you what a Gypsy is.



    You just agreed again >.> See it's easy!

    *They miss*

    No, I am not



    D=< Are you suggesting I'm hard to agree with???

    *I'm immune to it*

    No, I am a member of wtfisagypsy.com


    Well video always make it seem awesome.

    I don't sense any sarcasm there so you agree with me!

    *keep curb stomping them*


    no, as in the Spanish huh?

    Never shot it...

    See! I'm agreeable!

    *curb stomps them all*



    Yeah, they are.

    Life is sarcastic.

    *punches Fluffy in the face* Access Denied.


    no habla

    Oh I meant irl. My dad owns an M1911.



    *your fingers missed the keypad altogether*

    no habla

    >.< I happen to really like the M1911 and it isn't horrible at all.

    Nah, it's fine! But thanks a lot anyway!

    Well, with the OSes I've actually used, Windows 7 seems the best (as long as you download Firefox or Chrome right off the bat), but you might also see about Linux or something.
    Sorry it took me so long to reply back. D: Homework just about killed me. (I can't believe I haven't been here for three whole months...)

    Is sleet hard enough to dent/smash the glass of your car like hail would? I know it's freezing rain, so I guess that would make sense.

    Haha. :D You could probably do serious damage with a butter knife if you shoved it down someone's throat or something.

    True. I have no idea how that would work.

    XD Treadmills do give a pretty decent workout! They're pretty bad for your knees though.

    Yes, it did have a zoo, although it wasn't huge. I don't remember seeing anything besides the cougars. I think that was the hotel's trademark, you know, to attract tourists.

    I don't remember. :D Metrenome is an awesome move. Have you ever done anything unexpected with it? (I think I used Wish once, or maybe it was Healing Wish. Don't remember.)

    I should just run in there completely suited. I could even have goggles on and freak everybody out. XD

    It is! :D

    Lol, western capitalists. Love it haha!

    Cool. What's the largest fish you've ever caught? (You know, approx. size.)

    Oh. Yeah, fish are supposedly pretty good for you, I think. I wish I liked more stuff that was healthy haha but I have too much of a sweet tooth.

    Interesting new username. :) I've been considering changing mine, but I can't think of anything T_T Any ideas?
    Are you aware that you have yet to post commands in this battle?

    Also would you like anything in particular for your birthday?
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